History according to random people... (2 Viewers)

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You know, I thought when I typed that, it should have been 'La' and not 'Le' !
I can just about get by speaking French, although basic, and rather rusty these days but, not having actually formally learned the language, and rarely, if ever, writing it, I can easily come unstuck !
Mind you, I'm not much better with English, German, or Danish - Gibberish is fluent though !!!!
Terry, I took French when I was in school, and sadly, I recall very little of it.

I did learn Spanish outside of the classroom simply by growing up in Southern California and found that it came in really handy when I was in Italy a few years back. I also discovered that Italians loved to correct my mispronunciations when I was switching between English and Italian BUT they never corrected my Spanish when I used that! :lol:

Very true old boy, you're fluent in Gibberish, Rubbish, Bollocks, Mince and Swettish....
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Did you at least get the chance to straighten them out Dave? I would really like a one on one with Bryce, get him to quote his sources......share his drugs.

Nope, Geo...I was a JAFO for that dog and pony show.

Besides, this day and age, posting comments on any form of social media is a futile effort - I would have far better luck teaching a brick to fetch me a beer from the fridge...
Sadly, I am not at all surprised.

I don't understand how history has taken such a back seat in this day and age.
It was in a bar in Hamm Germany, he was doing what many people do, using a snippet of history to ride his own hobby horse. The guy was an Irish Catholic from Dublin using misinformation about Dresden to back up his anti British line.
Back when my son was in fifth grade he got a detention for arguing with the teacher of his history class. She insisted that Germany was not involved in the Second World War.
That's pretty much what I said although using more inappropriate language. My wife had to hold me back from going and having a little talk with that teacher.
Back when my son was in fifth grade he got a detention for arguing with the teacher of his history class. She insisted that Germany was not involved in the Second World War.
I am not surprised at all...

Several years ago, my friend called me up on the phone and asked: "tell me, what did the flag of the Confederacy look like?" and I laughed and told him he should know better. He was serious, though and asked me what the National flag looked like (not the better known Battle standard), as he was preparing a scathing letter to his son's teacher complete with visuals.

I told him that the 1st National Flag was two red horizontal bars divided by an equal sized white bar, a blue field to the upper right with thirteen stars in a circle. Being really curious about the whole thing, I had to ask why he was going to all this trouble. His reply?

"Because that god d*****d teacher insists the British Union Jack is the f*****g Confederate Flag, that's why!!"

I honestly had no words...
Oh my-o-my there goes that pesky His-tory agin!!! Time for a Southerner to weigh in. The FIRST flag of the Confedercy during the War of Northern Aggression from 4 Mar 1861 - 21 Mar 1861 was the SEVEN star "Stars and Bars" flag.
The seven stars represent the original Confederate States; South Carolina (December 20, 1860), Mississippi(January 9, 1861), Florida (January 10,1861), Alabama (January 11, 1861), Georgia (January 19, 1861), Louisiana (January 26, 1861), and Texas (February 1, 1861). A nine star version followed, then a 11 star, and finally a 13 star version after the Confederacy claimed Missouri and Kentucky.
Time for this Southern boy to step in agin...
The Beginning

The first battle of the WoNA was the battle of Bunker Hill. Disputed accounts that the North was actually shooting at redcoats is a lie. They were not redcoats, they were rednecks, a completely different terminology. Undoubtedly these people areRedsof another sort.

The Middle

The next major battle of the WoNA was probably the battle of Manassas. Now, some people have disputed that the battle was actually the Battle of Bull Run, or some other Northernpropaganda. The battle was that of Manassas, and just because our name has 'ass' in it doesn't make it bullcrap. Needless to say us Southerners won again, because of our commanders, fried chicken, and fearsome catfish stew.

Then we went on to the battle of the Bulge. This was the battle that took place inGermany. Now, undoubtedly, some of you Northerners are questioning this. That is more Northern bullshit. The Battle of the Bulge was a part of the WoNA. This battle was a stalemate because Germany kept using rocket planes and nuclear powered robots to interfere in the battle.

Everyone is equal in the United States now, and forever will be. Everyone is created equal and shall be treated the same, except women and blacks. And muslims. Guldurn muslims. We didn't have any of them before Lincoln showed up.

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