But imagine the horror if he had good military ability or left his generals to do the planning instaed of interfering.
I haven't read this, and though there are slight cause and effect problems with time travel stories, it looks interesting:
Making History by Stephen Fry
Amazon.com: Making History: Books: Stephen Fry
I haven't read this, and though there are slight cause and effect problems with time travel stories, it looks interesting:
Making History by Stephen Fry
Amazon.com: Making History: Books: Stephen Fry
The protagonist, Michael Young, is a trendy, somewhat vapid graduate student at Cambridge who is just finishing his dissertation on the early years of Hitler. Fry alternates chapters describing Michael's actions with sections of his dissertation, allowing a glimpse into the environment that spawned the rise of the Fuhrer. Upon Michael's meeting with physics professor Leo Zuckermann, the nefarious plot thickens. What if Hitler had never been born? What would a world without the Holocaust be like? The two men send male-sterility pills back in time to the water supply used by Hitler's parents.
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