Hitler pictures

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Senior Master Sergeant
Feb 9, 2006
I have from my mother in law who's father happened to be in the SS in ww2 a photo album. It's these more or less 3 1/2" by 2 " or so pics that you put into a magnifying eye piece that makes the pics look 3 deminsional. It's from the pre war days, all the ralleys,marches etc. It is way too cool. I can't believe how sharp these pics are for the time. Shows Hess,Goebbels,Goering, brown shirts etc. Wonder what it's worth..

As a Third Reich Collector who has been in the hobby for quite some time I have found that albums with original pictures typically go for several hundred dollars. It all depends on who the pictures are of.

I can tell you though that since it is an old family peace it should be considered priceless and not put up for sale.

I have (well my mother has and I will have it eventually) a photo of my Grandfather standing in his Wehrmacht Uniform in front of the Arch deTriumph (spelling?) in Paris during the victory parade through Paris in 1940. I would never dream of selling it.
Option 1:
If you have photo editing software... you should scan the photos and "water mark" them with your name before you post them.

Post only low resolution stuff (72 dpi about 300 pixels by 400 pixels).

You dont want some one stealing the images.

Option 2:

if by chance they are truly significant than I'd personally donate them to an Archive for public use. Some things dont belong in private collections

Option 2:

if by chance they are truly significant than I'd personally donate them to an Archive for public use. Some things dont belong in private collections

As a collector I disagree. I have no problem donating things to museums and so forth as long as they stay in my name and eventually return to my posession.

I have several original Uniforms from Rommels Afrika Korps and a small museum at one of Rommels former posts wanted my uniforms to put on display there. I had no problem with this and they were donated. After a certain period of time however they were returned.

I surely understand the arguement that they should be there for everyone to enjoy and learn from but as a collector I dont agree with this.

Just my opinion however.
I'm pretty sure I would not part with them. To post them I would have to scan them first. About 75 pics. The magnifier is pretty cool also, put the picture in the slot then it kind of expands to focus the pic. I'll see what I can do. I'll post the title of the album also.
As a collector I disagree. I have no problem donating things to museums and so forth as long as they stay in my name and eventually return to my posession.

Well, I qualified the statement by ".. if they are truly significant". Say for example, Hitler is wearing ear rings or something like that... The whole world should know..

I have four spear points I found that are 10,000 - 12,000 years old sitting on my fireplace and 3000 year old Greek pottery in my aquarium. There is also a ton of other stuff including ww2 memorabilia. Although museums would like to display some of my treasures, they are not truly unique and thus not very valuable - just very interesting. A unique photo could be significant and valuable ...

just this week they were making a big deal about a newly discovered photo of Linclon at Gettysburg... you can Barely see him but it is considered significant.

Historical find - USATODAY.com

looks like it was printed in 1937. Title looks like Reichspateitag Der Arbeit. Here's a quick scan.


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another one, Hess in it also. Scan does not do pics justice.


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A young Hitler(?) in the middle, holding hands, and with his other hand on a 'gentlemans' thigh.

I dont think that is Hitler. That is not his hand on the other mans thigh. Look closely and you will see that he has both of his hands held together and the other mans hand is on his own thigh.

Very cool pics Torch!
Ok as suggested I scanned them in grayscale, much better.


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