What about scrapping the Harrier...we invented the thing...
Getting rid of Harrier makes sense because, frankly, we have no need for a STOVL capability. That said, the timing of the cut seems a tad precipitate and I really hope the powers-that-be have ensured that the Typhoon and the venerable Tonka can do everything from a CAS/OS perspective that the Plastic Puffer Jet could do because we're fighting a war in Afghanistan and we need to ensure the troops on the ground get the best air support possible.
As for the carriers, if they are delivered on time (yeah, right!) then they'll be 3 years ahead of the JSF. What will be interesting to see is whether the UK sticks with the F-35B (STOVL) or takes the logical decision of getting the CTOL variant with its longer range/endurance, greater payload and much simpler maintenance and logistics.
I think the UK needs the 2 carriers. Basing our forces in other people's countries for sustained periods is hugely expensive (something previous Governments have never fully covered with their much-vaunted but seldom-used "War Chests"). There are numerous smaller-scale, less enduring operations for which a large carrier would be ideal - remember the Sierra Leone operation? However, these capital ships must be adequately supported with other vessels.
For my money, we should have ditched Trident and the boomers - too expensive and of no practical use.
Just my two penn'orth!