This being one of my favourite '33/'34's, like this style on them, I was wondering, with my fav engines, the flatheads, '331, '354, '392, well ok, the '348 and '409 as well then...can you build this to run unleaded ljungle juice and do so without take damage?
Hey Jan, the answer to your unleaded question is yes. The reason why leaded fuel was so important to the older engines, is because they had iron valve guides. To modernize an older engine, your machinist can fit the heads (or block, in the case of flatheads) with bronze valve guides or any made from similiar modern materials.
I had a 1963 409 (L33 - 340 h.p/430 lb-ft tq.) in my '54 Ford Customliner that was pretty much factory original, except for the new valve guides...ran like a dream
The new valve guides can actually prolong enhance the service life of the engine, especially if you have the engine completely rebuilt using high-performance bearings, pistons, etc
That's what I was thinking GG, everything new except the block, heads, etc., just do everything to the factory measurements, just as if it was built back then, but with modern materials, to make the life easy for the engine and later on, the wallet!