A lifetime ago, when I was stationed in Northern Maine, with SAC, ground crew for the B-52's that were there, we had flight line clearance trucks like this. This is a borrowed image of a newer version, but the design is the same as the ones we waited on to clear the hardstands where the birds were moved to. Mumbley-peg with B-52's, after every snow storm was
so much fun. The snow trucks were driven by local civilians, and some of the USAF maintainers had a cruel streak. They would take an old field jacket, and wrap it around a one-gallon can of MIL-5606 hydraulic fluid (which is very red in color), and bury it in a snow bank. When the huge augur eventually hits it, a flash of green, and a spectacular spray of red from the discharge chute ensues. For a moment, it appears a body has been ingested, chewed up, and spat out.
No idea how much cone remover was needed after any of these incidents....
Good times, good times...