How good is the Israeli military? (1 Viewer)

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The UN always turns "blind eye" on the terrorism against Israel, the only ally of the Jewish state is USA - God Bless!

I'm bored to sing still the same song, as we say here if one repeats all the time the same fact... The whole cronny UN is under a big infulence of Arabs...

I agree with pbfoot that Palestinians are the victims, but not by Israel's fault. And Israeli victims simply don't count? The Palestini have been given Gaza and what is the result? Even more rockets fired towards Israeli citizens. By the way, pbfoot, there is about 800,000 Arabi people living under Israeli citizenship and they are not the victims, they live fairly nice lives.

Hooah Alder. Its like what Oliver North said 2 weeks ago,

Where are all the young men in these crowds of so called civilians? Their fighting the Israelis side-by-side with Hezbollah...

In my opinion, if you aid the enemy, you are the enemy. Haul *** out of there, or prepare for the bombs to fall...
well just got a note from the mid-east awhile ago, seems that Israeli gun ships and recon drones spotted at least 30 Syrian/Soviet tanks headinhg up to Lebanons border while the Israelis pull out along with Syrian AT missiles. That maybe AA missiles. Even so Syria if indeed is going to plan a raid sure has not learned anything from 1967. hezballoh planned the rocket attacks and not very good by the way for over 10 years and then to build up world sympathy for their cause whatever it is ....

an uneasy peace come early on the morrow .......... watch it as nothing may change except to piss Israel off even further. Been waiting for a Syria/Israel shoot-out for over 25 years so will be interested to see what develops if anything .......
pbfoot said:
Please I'm not pro Hezbollah ( but do believe the Palestians are the victims)particularly since the source of their weaponary is Iran and any civvy killed is sad I am simply stating that the IDF is have a much tougher go then they anticipated .

Sorry that was a bit harsh. That is not really what I meant to say and I apologize if I offended you but what I meant is this: You allways talk about the innocent lebonese civilians and palestinian civilians, but do you ever condemn hezbollah or the palestinians for the killing of innocent israelis? Hezbollah was killing Israelis before Israel decided to move into Lebanon. Did that bother or concern you?

It goes both ways my friend....
Pisis no, I do remember in my younger days when Syria attacked in 1967 I was still in high school at the time, but the tactics/offensive by the Syrians (done all wrong) was studied when I was in Israel in the 80's and still is. Seems the Mid-east nations have not learned from their mistakes as I mentioned and it goes around very 10-20 years with a burr up someones butt that someone needs to attack someone else
no offense taken its just seems like in this particular thread that someone should take the side of the Palestinians otherwise its not gonna teach anyone anything and I feel that their story is neglected . The Iranians who armed the Hezbollah need to be reined in of that there is no doubt but the fact is the Israelis found a much harder nut to crack then they anticipated. Leading to the question will Hamas take a page out of the Hezbollah book and learn how to conduct combat operations rather then random acts of violence if this is the case Israel had better be willing to give the Palestinians a homeland or it does not bode well for a real peace in the middle east
Still the same crap pbfoot... They won't give them land unless they get rid off the terorrists. Would you give a room in your house to a serial killer to make him even easier to kill your wife and kids? I'm sure you won't... And that's the same here, the all other neighbouring countries - if not terrorists themselves, are weak against terrorist organizations, so the Israelis have to clean the **** by themselves. And those cronnies from the UN try to make it even harder... It will be painful but until then, no Palestine, I'm very sorry...
the Palestinians have been a focal point in the mideast for years you know this pb. problem is leadership, you had an inept greedy money hording non-Palestinian in the gift-schwerg Araft. He was given funds and arms to supplant his 6 -7 orgainzations but squandered the monies. As I said what the Gaza strip could of become had it been thought through, one of the most beautiful med areas and much potential just going down the tubes fna flittered away.

Hezballoh was able to infiltrate the Lebanese govt, and the pose of a gun in their faces many years ago and it isn't just Iran that is playing the mind and arms game, Syria has the strongest interests their being on the doorstep literally in land masse. Lebanon is bigger than one thinks, katushas have the potential to travle many miles along with the Iranian F7's and F-8's. We know of course that the hezballoh fighters are not operating these latter systems but Iranians and Syrian tech crews.

but on it goes, the Palestinians in my feeling will just be absorbed by the winning parties in the mideast and will lose their sole identity of whomever they really are.........

M.A. of Iran has been putting the presure on the dictator of Syria to do something and maybe this is his call to put up some Syrian AA rockets and some 30 tanks so far on the border line. Besides M.A. feels he is going to have the 12 Imam in business within 2 years, playing a significant role to clean the world up wqith Islam being the sole religion ........ judgement day

Thats right. Unless Israel can defeat Hezbollah, there will be no peace. Even if there is a permanent cease fire, Israel will still be under attack. Israel cant afford to just stop fighting. They have to fight in order to live and survive in the hostile middle east.
Hezballoh isn't even the main issue, (maybe today but in the future ? ) look back at history and see how many organizations backed by funny regimes, some short lived, have tried to put Israel under their thumb.

It will be regimes backed by big money thinkers like the Russians that will try and make a differene. The Soviets have been eyeing mideast oil for many many years. what type of consessions are being worked on right now under the UN eyes. I really do pity the UN if they think that 15,000 multi's can make a difference in keeping a peace along a shell shattered border that has seen many wars over the eons of time

I won't even try to 2nd quess what may happen by 7 am West coast time over in the desert ........... peace, although hopeful looks doubtful
It is a messy situation. In addition to political manipulation there is a deep hatred seeded in the two population involved, too many people on both sides had too many friends or relatives killed or family economically ruined by the continuing wars.

Last month I was traveling with a guy who goes often in Israel for work and he summarized the situation like this : 'I am a peaceful guy, but having seen the situation there I think there is no choice: if I was 20 and Israelian I would be a volontary in the Army, if I was 20 and Palestinian I would be a terrorist'
yes we have known their motives since early 1980 a reason why I was over there in unknown parts ........ the hammer is going to fall and all of you are going to see it in your lifetime
I'm already seeing it. Vladimir states that he's running a new russia. It's obvious that it's no different than the original russia. You still have your dictator, Vladimir, you still have your Russian secret police FSB.(succesor to the KGB, literally)
I bet you as soon as we get another Clinton in the oval office. They'll gun it for the oil rich middle-east.
I dont think they will try will anything like that in the near future. I agree with Erich and you that it is no different and they are definatly a threat in the future but at the present time they can not afford there own military and they can affored to fight us.
what has been happening and contiues today is the sale of arms for the monies. The Soviets true need to build up their armies secretly if done so and they are looking at the oil rich fields, you can easily imagine what there thoughts are as Vladimir is drooling. that little imp is playing the deceitful quiet fool that he is. BE interesting just how many soldiers he will fork over into the UN peace keeping force, if any at all. He's a shrewd turd and things are going on in Syria with his regimes backing

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