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We discussed that in class (under reporting in general). The issue of under reporting crime doesnt change the overall statistics that much (when comparing crime between cities of similar rates). Most under reported crime is of low value property. And think of this; if you dont report a mugging or purse snatching, you do report your credit card's as being stolen, thus it does end up as being in one of many statistics that gets reported.
Its near impossible to not report murders and serious assaults where hospitalization is required. And for the serious crimes that are never reported, they're few enough as to not change the statistics is any meaningfull way. Plus, since most unreported crimes are in high crime rate cities, all it does it make those city rankings worse than what they are.
Again, noone is providing evidence that underreporting of crime changes the rankings. Youre making a conclusion this underreporting is selective in some cities and not others, and its high enough in the most serious catagories as to skew the results.
Well that was bloody disappointing.
So tell me what college level courses you have taken in statistics and also in criminal justice?
Come on Matt.
Bottom line there is under reporting so you cannot fully validate what you're saying - true the statistics shown paint a picture of the situation and no one is disputing the rankings per say - its just in reality, based on personal experience in some of the cites listed things are better (or worse) than actually shown in the reports and the second document I posted from the DOJ shows that....
I'm not pulling out my college transcript - it's packed up and it's pointless. I have taken about 3 stat classes and a couple sociology classes, but no explicit CJ classes - doesn't appeal to me. But this doesn't mean I'm in a much better position to argue stats or sociology - which is closely tied to cj - than someone who has not. I also have a degree in poly sci - does that mean nobody here can argue w/ me about politics - of course not!
Does being a qualified Military Policeman and Military Police Dog Handler qualify?
Civil and Military Law.
Oh and 80 % is the pass mark to be achieved on any test, over 12 months you will spend 6 months on courses, with a one hour test every week and a 3 hour test every third. While at base you will complete a remote learning paper every week, while doing shift work, in your own time.
However to get accepted into the Dog Unit your average had better be over 90%.
18 months training all up including the Dog training.
Stick your degree, THAT is training.
Military police is as different to civilian police as night and day. And vice versa.
But you dont know about the criminal justice system in the US
So tell me what college level courses you have taken in statistics and also in criminal justice?
I have no idea who Cess is. He is all yours.
I am a happily married heterosexual.
I have no idea who Cess is. He is all yours.
I am a happily married heterosexual.
So since when does someone who has taken courses in statistics and criminal justice become more intelligent than someone who has not.
You really do need to get out more and get a life....
I've shown earlier that there are shootings and other crimes that you claimed don't exist in OC - bottom line in So Cal you could live in a "crimeless" neighborhood and a few miles away bloods and crips (or in OC Asian and Mexican gangs) could be blasting away at each other as well as innocents in the local area - there are few if any other places in the US that has that situation - bottom line So Cal, including OC isn't as safe as the statistics show, here again is that 2005 freway shooting recap - not even whent he freeway snipers (Malvo) was on the loose does it match So Cal on a business as usual basis. And once again, here's the NBC report on 2005 freeway shootings, there were a few in OCAnd personal experience is what happened at a particular point in time. . Just because you got robbed at gun point several years ago doesnt automatically mean lots of others did too (a few cities excepted). And unless you tell me you are in that localities police dept and had access to all the police reports, then you have no evidence to prove otherwise.
Higher education is the ticket to success.
These college courses are quite informative and interesting, especially when the instructors are experts in the actual field and are teaching it because they like too.
You do learn quite a lot.
I should tell you about the field trip I took last month to the Los Angeles Coroners Office to see what they do down in the basement.
Their motto is "our day starts when yours ends"