How to get started?

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Actually you should use a brush with a short cut hairs of its working ending. But I would suggest using small pieces of sponge sticked to toothpicks.It depends on you only which way you will follow..
My opinion airbrush is the only way but realistically during the war troops used what ever they had. spray paint driven off an engine compressor or brushes if that was not available. paint if they had it or whitewash. you do what you have to with what you have at the time
Tnx for the help. I was going to cut the brushes... And perhaps I'm going to waste some handkerchiefs. Going to be hard to get a nice look. 1st get some cheap brushes to ruin

P.s. any1 got the measurements of a swastika on a tail? I'm thinking on Painting 1 on my model.
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Tried the mottling, no way I could get the soft edge look. Almost done with the plane... a long way from perfect but I'm happy enough. Now only find a nice camera to post some pictures.
Bought me a camera so in a few days you guys will se the finished result of a desert FW190F-8 in a full gloss coat.. I rate it a 6 out of 10. In a kids competition.
Bought me a camera so in a few days you guys will se the finished result of a desert FW190F-8 in a full gloss coat.. I rate it a 6 out of 10. In a kids competition.

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