Hunter Warbirds

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Oct 12, 2011
Gidday, long time lurker here D), some images from the Hunter Warbirds Museum at Scone Airport NSW, Australia. The collection comprises flying aircraft from the collection of the Late Colin 'Col' Pay and aircraft the museum has collected. A relatively recent addition to Australian aviation museums, the Hunter Warbirds hangar is big, but the lighting is quite low, which makes photography difficult at times. I found out after the fact that the lights could be turned up or down to suit. Of particular interest is the displays on Jack Cleland, a New Zealander who was the only Kiwi to fly with the USAAF during WW2. Cleland flew P-51s with the 363rd Sqn, 357th FG, 8th AF and a P-51 gifted to the museum by the RAF Museum is on display, with ephemera donated by a family member.

Mirage IIIO.


Cessna O-1.


"Macchi" MB.326.


CAC Winjeel.


Ex-Singapore Air Force Hawker Hunter.


Polish built MiG-17.


Kuwait Air Force BAC Strikemaster.


P-51 in Jack Cleland's markings.



Displays on Cleland.



More to come.
Col Pay.


Col Pay's Tiger Moth.


Bristol F.2b.






Former USAAF and RNZAF P-40E restored in the markings of Australian Ace Clive Caldwell.



This Spitfire Mk.IX carried out sorties during Overlord.






More images here: Hunter Warbirds Museum

Thanks for looking.
Excellent gallery of pics! Lighting does look tough for sure. I really wish museums would not paint their walls a dark colour. I suppose there is an operationl reason, certainly would hide the dirt of years years of folks walking through and leaning up against them.

anyhow, great set, great looking museum.


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Great pics as always Grant. I bought some British hardware for our Mosquito from Pays Air Services. Seems the operation has now been sold to a company called ASAP Aircraft Spares.

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