Hunter368's pics of German pilots planes

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JJF pubs is terribly overpriced, hardly any Luftw. titles, do not wsate your time here unless you are a dedicated W-SS armor fan. I have dealt with John and the crew since they started business, and some of the armor titles are good the rehashing of translations is a bit jumpy at times and the scnas of the original German photos on the English volumes tends to be dark sadly.
Eric I believe you are a author from what I think people have said on here before. Can you PM me your name so I can look up your titles? I would be very interested in some of your books. If that is to private don't worry about it. I am always looking for new and good books on German airforce from WW2. I love books on their pilots most but anything will do, if you can give me a list of good titles about German aces (english plz) I would love that. Thanks.
The Jug Rules! said:
Hunter368 said:
Here is one from the Green Hearts. Bf109G-5 of II./Jg54. on the eastern front.

Who were the green hearts?

Well known what we would call Group in our airforce from WW2 German airforce. Check it out.

This is just one site of theirs, not sure how good it is but it is a start for you.

No not an author yet but a very serious reseacher~historian on the Luftwaffe late war day/night. have helped with a German night fighter losses book, several magazine articles, helping with the Kassel mission Sept. 27, 44 in preparation as well as a night ground attack book on the Ost/Western Fronts.

I am personally working on the Unternehmen Gisela attack in March of 45 over England
Moskito-jagd über Deutschland and a personal narrative on Ju 88G-6 crews and a/c and operations called Im Schatten des Mundes liegen (Lying in the Shadow of the Moon) which is about 25 % done right now.
the Mossie-jagd book was in the works back in the 1960's and after the fall of the wall in Eastern Germany a whole new era of documentation arose....

E ~
I found this one once. It is interesting.


When 'ere the heavens shook the earth,
when 'ere the eagles left thier berth,
when 'ere the fields of open green,
stirred under skies so playfully.
'Tis when I left Berlin.

When 'ere the engines' chuckling roar,
'twould upward, skyward, spirit me 'oer,
when 'ere I fought the heavens war,
'tis when I left Berlin.

When 'ere against the kings of men,
we fought in silken thunderheads,
when 'ere up high we lit aloft,
'tis when I left Berlin.

When 'ere the eagles stormbird cried,
when 'ere our blooded number tried,
'gainst crowns of steel n' scepters of fire,
'tis when I left Berlin.

When 'ere the king we sought to slay,
would skyward crawl to lead th' fray,
when 'ere we fought 'till break of day,
'tis when I left Berlin.

When 'ere we died 'oer fields fair green,
when 'ere the stormbirds start to sing,
when 'ere the kings men took our king,
'tis when I left Berlin.

When 'ere he died, the eagles cried,
and stormed upon the heavens nigh,
that opened up to shed a tear,
for 'ere he fell to fair fields near.

When I was young, and eagles new,
when 'ere the cross of iron flew,
when 'ere we dared the heavens high,
to break the eagles of the sky,
when 'ere we danced in thunderheads,
when 'ere we painted heaven red,
when 'ere I died for my homeland.

'Tis when I left Berlin.

Inspired while researching the Battle of Britain article, the poem was written from the point of view of a young Luftwaffe pilot in I/.JG26 during the opening days of September, 1940. His name is unknown, but the pilot speaks openly about the pounding the RAF handed them over the eight weeks of the battle.
Their "king", Oberleutnant Fritz Krause, was KIA 21 September, 1940, over Biggins Hill, Wales.
:shock: Yikes that poem is too close to statements made by Luftw. pilots in 1945 when they were getting ripped by Allied escort fighters while trying to attack the US heavies ................
yeh it was very interesting when I read it. He seems very down depressed even. I guess losing comrades and friends everyday would do that to a guy. BoB alot of good pilots and friends were lost on both sides.
Here are some more.


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