I hate/don't watch reality shows because....

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i was involved with one several years back...a lot of what you see is staged. if something doesnt happen during that episode to spark interest naturally...they will throw it in themselves.
You would be lucky to understand anyone speaking English from the early 1500s I am sure German is the same.
Doncha know that once you pass into that fluffy cloud in the sky so that you can watch over your loved ones still below you automatically know the universal language of heaven.
...I don't watch 'reality shows' because they are the most fake and annoyingly infuriating creations for wasting time, usually, plus generally the object of the pleasure is taking the piddle/urine out of the subjects/players/victims, let alone some celeb who's marketing/managerial staff said they could get a regular wage from it while following 'any publicity is good profit'.

Maybe that ex male Kadashian could become the real version of Gold Member, and get his chopped off goolies gold plated, then they/he could market them in a range of sizes equipments as pendants necklaces, door stops, paper weights and perhaps even adults toys - his/its ex wife will need one now it can't make her happy.
With the exception of a Canuck or Blue Jays game, ever since "reality" shows ruined my History Channel and Discovery Channel, I have stopped watching T.V. altogether. Even though the majority of a "reality" show is scripted, many people believe what they are watching is actually happening. As an ex-logger, I once gave a "reality" logging show a chance. About 10min. in, the owner/boss was berating an employee for losing a key bolt on a motorized shotgun carriage and the loss of production. For several minutes of this rant, one camera focused on said boss and his rant, a second camera was aimed at the remorseful employee and the third camera was zoomed into the lost bolt!??????? For the rest of the show, the majority of time was spent arguing rather than working. I am told this happens in most "reality" shows. Rant over.


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