Who makes good Aussie Spitfire decals for Pacific Spits? I'd like to make the 1/48 Hasegawa Mk VIII (well, boxed as a IX), and am hunting for good decals for it but I can't seem to find any. I know that Aeromaster makes some, but I cannot find their website anywhere. And they have to be available here in Canada, so would Red Roo be out of the question? Thanks guys!
Also, just remembered, I don't know if you guys remember my thread asking for 1/32 "Black Panther Sqn" Decals or not, but Wayne mentioned that he had seen them in 1/48. That would also be cool to do. Thanks again.
Also, just remembered, I don't know if you guys remember my thread asking for 1/32 "Black Panther Sqn" Decals or not, but Wayne mentioned that he had seen them in 1/48. That would also be cool to do. Thanks again.