If China takes Tawian >>???

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No offence meant, I do live in China and this no internet is Bulls..t for the stupid. Use a Tor Network software or XeroBank browser and you can access any internet site you want.


And what if comeone turns you in that your using this soft ware..

The no Internet statement is not BS in China...:rolleyes: ... If you sneak around and use special software ...I can scream from the tree tops that I hate Bush and "The Party"... And I will not disappear in the middle of the night...I may get a tax audit do to it ..;)..

But if the average China's Joe and Jane has to really dig and sneak around to get another point of view...And could get in big trouble doing it..
Just realized Andy, maybe we shouldnt be castigating the regime of the country that you are currently living in. Otherwise we might be reading about you in the newspapers "German national arrested for treason and subversion":)

You best be careful ...You maybe one of the 1000's who get jailed this year for going to the wrong Imperialist Dog web sits ...;)...
Don't worry, Beijing and me(my employer) are good buddies :) they n$$d each other.

As for the Chinese population (excluding treehuggers, environmentalists and some lib/leftist students) they actually don't care about internet access, calling president names, or western democratic rights.

If you get caught using a radar warner in Germany, you get fined, next you loose your license, next time you see the slammer from insisde - because you did not obey the law in a democratic country.

Any westerner who thinks of China and its population in western terms is making a big mistake and estimates the situation and mentallity of the Chinese totally wrong.
Their primary concern and live habitus is $$MONEY$$, even a normal farmer is more attached to capitalistic business principles then Bill Gates. And this is what makes the US government worry if not to say sleepless.

3. The US might have to go to war. If I recall we have sworn (unofficially) to protect Taiwan. Not sure about this though. If I am wrong someone correct me.

Hello D.A.I.G.

No the US and Taiwan do not have a military treaty. During Jimmy Carters and Ronald Reagan's office the relationship between Taiwan and the US even deteriorated to such an extent that Taiwan was forced to develop its own weapon industry and add European hardware to its military.

The US titles' itself a guarantee for Taiwan's sovereignty through the Taiwan Relations Act (TRC) signed by Jimmy Carter in 1979.

TRC: does not require the U.S. to intervene militarily if the PRC attacks or invades Taiwan, and the U.S. has adopted a policy of "strategic ambiguity" in which the U.S. neither confirms nor denies that it would intervene in such a scenario.

After George W. Bush emphasized on the US view of the "ONE CHINA POLICY", China initiated and became a member in the Shanghai Five in 2001, or now termed Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an equivalent to NATO or former SEATO

The USA has a military treaty based with Japan and Korea only, but is trying to counter the SCO with the promotion of a Pan Asia Pacific Security Union, PAPSU.

Independently Russia and China are viewing upon themselves as partners for an alternative military treaty and the US has even forwarded proposals to integrate Japan, India and believe it or not, Israel as NATO members.

Politicians :occasion9:

Politicians :occasion9:


Amen, brother. Amen.

So Kruska... a man with such indepth knowledge of everything RCS, you must be followed and tapped by virtually every state information secrets agency on the planet. Especially roaming the streets of the PRC in search of your next Tsing-Tao.
you must be followed and tapped by virtually every state information secrets agency on the planet.

Hello Matt308,

Oh yeah Tsingtao what a beautiful place to lose. But its contract would have run out 1997 anyway.

One for the road.

In my favorite pup at some place this fellow (retired Colonel) – (actually Captain) was bragging around amongst me and my friends just as he had been doing about every night for the last 12 month, the latest weapon deal – billion $ deal – he was involved in and about to get the signature for the "Italians" to be awarded this contract "Missiles".

Suddenly one of the guys said, hey "Mike" I need your HP # for tomorrow. And "Mike" looks at him in total shock and stumbles, man you crazy, ever see me carry a HP, don't you know they can be tapped.

As for me, I am working as a plant manager in China, what about you?

Do anybody know what is recent stuation with 767 tankers italy have bought from boieng?
last I recall they where two years late from shedulle due some technical problems which caused italy not to accept dellivery..
Some rumors were saying 767 tanker having nasty habit to have turbulence which prevent smaler plane to follow tanker close enogh.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 13, 2008 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today completed Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification requirements for Japan's first KC-767 Tanker, receiving the FAA stamp of approval in the form of a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC).

"The Japan Air Self-Defense Force asked us to complete passenger and main deck cargo certifications beyond what is normally performed on military aircraft, and we have received our FAA STC for those capabilities," said George Hildebrand, Boeing KC-767 Japan program manager. "Boeing is ready to deliver the first tankers in Japan's history and the most advanced tanker in the world today."

The FAA previously certified the KC-767 for everything except passengers and main deck cargo. Boeing used a combination of Japan and Italy KC-767 Tankers to complete the testing, clearing the way for Japan to receive its first two of four KC-767s with the convertible freighter configuration in the first quarter of 2008 as planned. The completed tests also will help Boeing obtain FAA certification for the Italy KC-767 followed by delivery of the country's first two tankers later in 2008.

In the past few months, the Japan and Italy tankers have completed several significant milestones. Boeing successfully completed all required pre-delivery air refueling tests of Japan's KC-767 Tanker including night refueling with an F-15E; completed the second Japan KC-767; flight tested on the Italy KC-767 a newly designed pylon that attaches the Wing Air Refueling Pod to each tanker wing; and completed FAA certification for the mission control system.

Boeing has built nearly 2,000 tankers in its history, and in addition to flight-testing the KC-767 for international customers, Boeing is offering the KC-767 Advanced Tanker for the U.S. Air Force's KC-X Tanker competition.
china wants to take taiwan without a shot, like hong kong and macau.

today, the china econimy is one of the strongest ones in the world, more than 1 bilion chineses, mass production, can you figure that ?

im sure, if the chinese could make that "soft transition" from comunism to capitalism(they learned a lot with the fall of soviet union) sucessful, taiwan will join to china without a invasion.

the deal is china wont do the same thing that russia did, they are changing their economy and open the country in a very slow and soft way, because they know another way could desintegrates the state.

when soviet union dissolves at 90´s the western world tought was a great deal, but then came the nuclear proliferation and now, many countries, like pakistan, india, n. korea, some former soviet republics, have nuclear artefacts, maybe if they did a soft transition, it doesnt happened.
I am not sure, Taiwan will ever want to join China. I think there still may be that cult of memory there. China is still even despite its wealth elitism by another name. Communism was all about the top part of society's power and the Olympics has thrown open the fact that however much window dressing is put over the top very little seems to have really actually changed for the better...

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