china wants to take taiwan without a shot, like hong kong and macau.
today, the china econimy is one of the strongest ones in the world, more than 1 bilion chineses, mass production, can you figure that ?
im sure, if the chinese could make that "soft transition" from comunism to capitalism(they learned a lot with the fall of soviet union) sucessful, taiwan will join to china without a invasion.
the deal is china wont do the same thing that russia did, they are changing their economy and open the country in a very slow and soft way, because they know another way could desintegrates the state.
when soviet union dissolves at 90´s the western world tought was a great deal, but then came the nuclear proliferation and now, many countries, like pakistan, india, n. korea, some former soviet republics, have nuclear artefacts, maybe if they did a soft transition, it doesnt happened.