If It Can Fly, It Can Float!!! (1 Viewer)

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I have no idea what this was....
Fugly is what it is...

Actually, it's called the "Goupil Duck", first designed and built in 1883 by Alexandre Goupil as a glider prototype for the intended powered version (powered by a steam engine: 1000lbs @ 15hp) which never happened.

Glen Curtiss actually built a powered version of Goupil Duck in 1916 (seen in the photo) in an effort to get around the Wright's wing-warping patient. Curtiss modified it several times, first with landing skids, then wheels and then Langley style floats. It goes on record as flying in 1917 and performed well with his modifications to the flight controls, larger wings and his own gasoline engine. Not sure whatever happened to it, but there are several photos on the net that show it in different configurations.

But in the end, it is still fugly...
piece of trivia about the ercoupe.....did you know a lot were built and sold without rudder pedals? the way the controls were designed they were not needed. many pilots couldnt deal with that and they made conversion kits so the rudders could be manually operated.
I wonder why only briefly !!!!
Looks like a case of "OK, we're going to build a floating apartment block, with triple, twin deck verandas, and see if it can fly" !!!!

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