If italy Joined the allies World War 2

Would the allies have been succesful if italy had joined them

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You obviously have never had real German or Polish food. Not the Americanized crap sold passed off as Polish and German food. Both are fantastic. I eat authentic every week, made by my German wife.

How old are you by the way?
you probably joined this forum when you were my age
but if you really wanna know 15
You know the answer to that Chris: it's german. The ones who beat us.. eh I mean who we beat at the worldcup, the arch enemies.

(I rather like German food, but don't tell anyone )

Just a few short months to the Euro Cup. I don't expect a strong showing from the Germans. Unfortunately, I think I will miss the games because I will be in Hawaii the entire time with a 12 hour time difference.

Now next year in the World Cup, Germany led by Hansi Flick will dominate again!

Speaking of German food though, I might have to make a good Sauerbraten and Knödel. You know that stuff that is only a step up from Polish food.
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what do you mean France fell in 6 and a half weeks
Not a very good historian myself but I think what happened to France was self inflicted. My opinion was formed by reading the first few chapters of a book, Battle of Britain, 6 Weeks That Changed the World or something like that. I think the author's name is Hudson. Then again I might be thinking of a lend-lease airplane.
yeah this is historical so it is supposed to be as close to history as possible
Well, being close as possible to history, So Duce isn't going to join the Allies, he has aspirations that run contrary to any alliance with Britain or France.
As close with an exeption
idk maybe he was given malta Cyprus or Tunisia
Well, being close as possible to history, So Duce isn't going to join the Allies, he has aspirations that run contrary to any alliance with Britain or France.

Plus he adored Hitler, and the Italians were perfectly happy with being on the German's side until everything started going down hill. Then it was "Oh no, we are losing! We need to switch sides and pretend the last few years did not happen!"
Plus he adored Hitler, and the Italians were perfectly happy with being on the German's side until everything started going down hill. Then it was "Oh no, we are losing! We need to switch sides and pretend the last few years did not happen!"
not entirely I know a lot of Italian people who both loved and hated him. For example, my friend's grandma hates him because he put her husband in jail. My great grandfather loved him because he was able to buy a pair of does for the first time.

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