IL2 Forgotten Battles Screenshots...

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Sooooooo...Anyone know a way of playing this thing without causing undue wear and tear to the 'ole DVD? O:)

*cough* latest crack *cough* :-\"
I don't understand why the Lagg-3R was even included in the sim. I did a search on it and found apsolutely nothing. Furthermore , i can't see the logic of the Soviets modifying one of their early war prop fighters into a jet!
I think 46 should have included the Gloster Meteor, DH Vampire and such instead of crappy planes like the Lagg-3R.
Ta-183. Alrighty then, how do I control the X-4 missiles? Anybody? :-k

Ok, ok...So my first landing was a :rolleyes:


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check the readme file, it says it's the gunsight keys or bombsight keys that control it (?)
It's in the Aircraft guide in the game directory - the description of the Ta-183

To guide the rocket, use the "Increase Sight Attitude", "Decrease Sight Attitude", "Adjust Sight Control to Right" and "Adjust Sight Control to Left" keys. We recommend assigning them to the Up, Down, Right, and Left arrow keys correspondingly.
I know this sounds like a bit of a noob question, but I can't find my screens in the Il-2 folder. Does anyone know where to get them? I used the print screen button and F12 for making them.
What did you think of the Ta-183 then Nonskimmer?
It seems a little underpowered. It's very slow to climb with a missile load, which hurts in the interceptor roll, but once you get it up to altitude and speed it's not too bad. Unlike the Me-262, you don't have to baby the throttle in order to prevent the engine from lighting up. While a little gutless, the engine is a lot tougher. It maneuvers well enough. The added weight of the missiles obviously effects performance, so some folks may choose to forego them and just go with the cannons. They pack a wallop, like those on the 262.

Speaking of the Me-262, the new V-tailed HG-II variant in the game seems much improved over the older ones. Again, the engines are sturdier and it seems to accelerate better. Cool plane. I haven't screwed around with the other new German jets yet.
it installed to Ubisoft when i first got PF last year
and yes, the 1946 is stand alone, unless you get a paid add-on which isn't possible yet (AFAIK)

check ur pm folder NS

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