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I just installed mine in the same folder as the merged IL2+PF+PE2 install, and it merged right along with them as near as I can tell. I don't have any extra installs of 1946 anywhere on the drive, and my old skins and mission files work like before, only now I have the added content available.

Got your PM, looma. Thanks buddy.:thumbleft:
Cool Wayne, Ill try the same thing.... One other thing, controlling the X-4 is alittle difficult with just the arrow keys... Is there a "missle view" that I am missing, or is it just a matter of gliding it into the bomber with the zoom sight???
if you read the readme, it says try to keep the green and red speck on the target, making minor adjustments as it the target or missile moves, controlling the missile is also as crappy as controlling a Microsoft simulator, if you press up, to stop it from turning upwards more you have to press down (I'm not really that sure)

this one really helps (taken from readme) :
X-4 Rocket

The X-4 air-to-air rocket is wire guided. All rocket-carrying aircraft (Ta-152C, Ta-183 and Heinkel Lerche III) have a single rocket control module, and as such can guide only one rocket at a time. When launching multiple rockets simultaneously, only the last rocket fired can be guided.

To guide the rocket, use the "Increase Sight Attitude", "Decrease Sight Attitude", "Adjust Sight Control to Right" and "Adjust Sight Control to Left" keys. We recommend assigning them to the Up, Down, Right, and Left arrow keys correspondingly.

The easiest way to guide the rocket to target is to fire from the target's six-o-clock level while flying on the same course. Guide the rocket to keep the lights on top of the target with no visible lateral movement until the moment of impact. Use gentle taps to provide last-minute guidance. The rockets detonate remotely, so no direct impact is required.

This method should be used to attack non-maneuvering heavy bombers from 3,000 to 3,500 meters away.

NOTE: The guiding wire is not visually modeled.
Yea I read the read-me file as well.... I went ahead and did the combined install and it works fine as well NS.... Thanks for takin the time to try it out u guinea pig...

And I have to say, after flying all the new kites, the La-7R seems to be the most impressive, handling-wise, although the Ta-183 is great as well...
but with the time it takes the Ta-183 to go for the next firing pass, it saves alot of cursing on the fat little jet's acceleration
Now this is a decent interceptor, boys.
She'll get you to the targets quickly, with plenty of punch to bring them down. :cool:

Next item on the bug list:

The Do-335V-13 cowl flaps don't move. They stay fully open constantly. The A-0's cowl flaps work, but not the V-13's.


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I haven't tried that one yet.

I was wrong about those cowl flaps on the V-13, they do work, it's just that they don't open and shut quite the same way as on the radial planes. They open and shut more like the radiator flaps on the other inline jobs, at seemingly random intervals. Makes sense I guess. It's the same for the A-0, actually. Not sure if it's accurate or not, I'm no aero-engine tech, but that's how it is here.
The Hs-129 would sure be cool. A four engined bomber would be awesome. Imagine flying the B-29?



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The FS model is pretty solid. The 37mm cannon is good for just about anything. The I-300 prototype has a monster 57mm cannon, but everytime you fire it an engine flames out, and sometimes the engine(s) won't restart. I like the MiG-9FS.

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