IL2 Forgotten Battles Screenshots...

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Hello all, I'm the new guy here so I might as well start off with my attempt at a good impression. I've played this game since the original IL-2 and have flown in it ever since. I prefer BF109s and FW190s.

My F-2 after a scuttle with a Yak series.

A similar shot with G-2.

Here in an E-4 doing some BnZ on a Russian SBD bomber flight.

Getting the jump on a P-47 in a 190 A-8.

Lastly, my pride and joy. G6/AS, I've yet to be shot down while flying it online.

Well if you want a challenge in the campaign, I suggest trying the Finnish one. I just finished the first part of it with the Gladiator and man...damn that thing was slow and poorly did however had great maneuverability .
another fav.. "White 11 Rosemarie"

question though.. how do you guys disable the game automatically
putting on the #'s, crosses, etc.. kinda takes away from the skins..


  • rosemarie_III.png
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yup, just really good graphics cards and proccesors. the only way to fly lol.

@ beaupower32
thanks! can't believe I didn't see that lol


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may skins


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well anything other then intergrated graphics chips. I'm using RaedonHD
4000 series card. time for a 5000 series soon.


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