Hello all, I'm the new guy here so I might as well start off with my attempt at a good impression. I've played this game since the original IL-2 and have flown in it ever since. I prefer BF109s and FW190s.
My F-2 after a scuttle with a Yak series.
A similar shot with G-2.
Here in an E-4 doing some BnZ on a Russian SBD bomber flight.
Getting the jump on a P-47 in a 190 A-8.
Lastly, my pride and joy. G6/AS, I've yet to be shot down while flying it online.
Well if you want a challenge in the campaign, I suggest trying the Finnish one. I just finished the first part of it with the Gladiator and man...damn that thing was slow and poorly armed....it did however had great maneuverability .
Define really good graphics cards. When I do play it I can play it maxed out on my 7600GT OC but I'll be upgrading this year at some point to get DX11 etc.
Nice shots though, always great to be able to play games on max settings.