IL2 Forgotten Battles Screenshots...

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OK I made it very easy for myself for my first mission (flying with the joystick). Me (FW190A9 with 2 x dual mg151/20 underwing pods) and my wingman (Hurricane MKII) against 8 enemy bombers (4 x Blenheim MKI and 4 x Blenheim MKIV). I will admit it was overkill, I shot down 7 of the 8 and the last one landed and on trying to shot him I flew into a building and exploded but I was happy enough (yes everything was on easy).
Here are some screens:


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Great shots!

Gnomey, there's a simple tweak you can do to your conf file to improve the look of the water in the game ever so slightly. Just go to the "Water" line in the VideoSetupId section and change it from 0 to 1. It's the best I can do with my old video card, and I suspect yours is much the same.
You might even try setting it to 2 to see if it makes more of an improvement. "Perfect Water" can be achieved with a setting of 3 I think it is, but my card doesn't support that kind of 3D pixelation.

Nuke Style... Pe-8 with 5000 lb FAB....



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how did u make that Pe-8 nuke the place? and that explosion? and where do u get skins? gawd im such a n00b


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