Improve That Design: How Aircraft Could Have Been Made Better

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Nothing supported the drive shaft between the engine and gearbox except the carrier bearing assembly that was situated at the 60" mark, where the two shafts joined.

So, you have no understanding of the structure of the P-39.
So either read up on it or please go to a different topic.

So, your argument is the same as the P-51 time warp story.

Entirely in your head.

So you didn't bother to read the design analysis I posted hear.

Sorry for your loss.
So, you have no understanding of the structure of the P-39.
So either read up on it or please go to a different topic.
You and your smartass comments are growing tiresome.

Any halfwit can look at a P-39's cutaway and see CLEARLY that the driveshaft is NOT SUPPORTED by any other means than the 1) Engine Output, 2) Carrier bearing assembly at the coupling (at the halfway point) and finally, 3) Gearbox situated at the nose. It was a 102 inch spinning shaft - it wasn't going to be attached to anything other than components that required it's energy transfer.

Perhaps you should go look under your car for a rudimentary idea of what the grownups are talking about here, or find a topic better suited to your limited abilities.
Yes I really do wonder. Half of them went to the Soviets where they won the war and the other half were used as trainers here.

The P-39 and P-63 did go to war, it's just that the war they seemed to be good at fighting wasn't the war that the US or Commonwealth were fighting.
Yup, we in the west just couldn't come up with a theater of operations suited to the Airacobra's rather limited advantages, so we made trainers out of them.
The Royal Australia Navy wanted to buy helicopters, and then drowned them in specifications to the extent that they were incapable of entering service.

And now we (the Royal New Zealand Air Force) have them!

Part of the problem with the Stirling was that construction of the prototype was begun before trials with the small scale aircraft had been completed, which meant Short didn't foresee that the wing's angle of incidence was too shallow, which meant it would have had an inordinately long take off run fully loaded, so its gangly undercarriage was lengthened to steepen the angle at which the wing began to produce adequate lift to get the thing off the ground.
Short didn't foresee that the wing's angle of incidence was too shallow, which meant it would have had an inordinately long take off run fully loaded
The commuter airline I worked for had a couple Short SD30s. They were real ground lovers, too. You could tell they were designed and built by shipyard people. The front office was more like a ship's bridge than an airplane's cockpit. Crews called it "the wheelhouse".
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Regarding post 912: Hi P-39 Expert.

The F6F flew 66,530 action sorties for the Navy, claimed 5,163 enemy aircraft shot down, and had 2,461 combat losses, only 270 of which were to enemy aircraft. That averages out to one kill every 13 action sorties. It was the first USN fighter to be able to outclimb the A6M Zero and almost turn with one. It was VERY forgiving and was called the Ace-maker. The kill to loss ratio was 19.12 : 1 for air-to-air and 2.09 : 1 overall if you figure in ALL losses, which is not generally done.

The P-39 flew zero action sorties, had no kills, and no losses in US Navy service.

In USAAF service, it flew 30,547 combat sorties, had 14 air kills and 18 ground kills claimed, had handling quirks that made it a plane nobody wanted to fly in combat. It was nicknamed the Peashooter by pilots becasue of its ineffectivness in combat. It had 107 combat losses, but the USAAF doesn't tell us how many were air-to-air and how many were ground. I can't tell you if the losses were air-to-air or total. That averages out to one kill every 955 combat sorties if you use the total and 1 kill every 2,182 sorties if you take air-to-air kills. The kill to loss ratio was .13 : 1 for air kill and .30 : 1 for all kills. I don't know the makeup of the losses.

When I compare 1 kill every 13 sorties to 1 kill every 955 sorties or 1 kill every 2,182 sorties for air kills (for overall kill-to-loss ratio), and 19.12 : 1 for air kill to 0.13 : 1 for air kills, I have a definite preference for which airplane I'd choose to fly in combat. It ain't exactly a tough choice. Give me the Ace-maker every time.

If you can't see a huge difference in that combat performance, you are blind and fail to realize it. That performance was over the entire population of F6Fs in US service and the vast majority of the USAAF P-39s in Pacific service, which is where we mostly used them. So, both are pretty valid statistical comparisons for airplanes in US service in the Pacific. If you can find the numbers for the P-39 in Soviet service that are from a primary source and not some Russian forum with no references to sources, please share them. I can't find them myself to date.

The Soviet Union fought a low-altitude war and had no restrictions on engine boost. That allowed them to get good performance from the P-39 in a very low-altitude environment that happened to be right where the P-39's strength was. The U.S.A. didn't fight in a low-altitude environment that favored the P-39 and didn't get the performance from the P-39 that the Russian got because we flew by a very different book that was effective in the war WE fought.
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Agree that the Hellcat was a carrier plane and the P-30 was a land based plane. But like most of my assertions this graph is based solely on facts. Nothing but facts from sources like and AHT. Official tests conducted by the Navy and Wright Field. The P-39N outperformed the F6F by a substantial margin. This is not an assumption but a fact.

Why can't you, like most on this board, just admit that you had not seen the P-39 performance tests on Admittedly the information was not posted on the site until 2012. This is well after most all the reference books on WWII fighters were published, including AHT, the William Green books, etc. All the reference material you have seen on the P-39 is basically wrong/out of date based on those tests.

I have made very few assumptions on here, just results of official military tests. The rest of you guys are the ones who deal in heresay, like tumbling, symmetrical airfoils, the driveshaft breaking, ets. That is all based on heresay and conjecture. Go look at the facts.

Please expand above.

1. The P-39N was running clean except for the drop tank shackle (no sway braces).
2. The F6F-3 was running with fuselage bomb rack and "T" braces, also wing bomb rack fairings and sway braces. In Clean condition the F6F-3 was supposed to be good for 321mph at sea level and 384mph at 18,000ft, not the 372mph shown on the chart.
3. The P-39N was running light. 3-400lbs below normal clean gross weight. Reduced fuel?
4. The F6F-3 is rated at full clean gross weight. Full internal fuel.
5. A minor consideration. (sarcasm) the P-39N was running above (well above?) the the AIr Corp standards for cooling temperatures.
6. This P-39N seems to show an amazing deviation from other P-39s. Performance at 5,000ft
Climb ft/min.................3840..............................4240...........................3770
Speed at 9,500ft..........385.5............................398.4*.........................374
All at 57in MAP and 3000rpm except the speed of the P-39N.
P-39N used 59.8in MAP at 9700ft.

P-39Q speed was at 10,000ft. P-39Q had the under wing gun pods.
Notes the test of the P-39-Q-5 (different pane than above) state that the external gunpods on the XP-63 were worth about 110ft/min climb. This was noted as the test P-39Q-5 engine was not running properly and so could not be compared to the P-39Q-1 test.

Yep, let's pick and choose our facts very, very carefully and then accuse others of being unaware or failing to see the brilliance of the concept.

rapid climb by P-39 ending with overheated engine in tropical/desert conditions. Great way to start combat, engine already cooking itself.

I would really love to see the different P-39 model's performance on a chart as I think this P-39N would be in a class by itself.
I would like to note another "FACT".

The P-39N test was test of a single airplane.

The F6F-3 data is from an Airplane Characteristics and Performance sheet (multiple) used for mission planning.
In other words every plane (or most) in the unit had to meet those numbers. Yes they were based on tests but using best numbers means some planes might not make it home due to running out of fuel.

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