Improve That Design: How Aircraft Could Have Been Made Better

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P-39 Airacobra. Give it a ventral radiator similar to Mustang or Ki-61 and use the space in the wings for more fuel tanks.
You'd have two basic problems.

1. Volumetrics: Basically the P-51 had room in the middle of it's fuselage for the belly radiator because it had no engine there. Unless you were to place a radiator behind the engine, which might throw the C/G out of whack.

2. Belly-Landing Characteristics: The P-39 was actually pretty good in that regard (even despite having an extension shaft). Add a belly-radiator and you'd run the risk of wheel-barrowing (the nose would pitch over upon contact with the ground -- if this was in water, the results would see you exploring the watery depths).

While I don't want to get into the P-39 too much, I am curious if a design that was closer to mid-wing would have worked.
Coals to Newcastle. Didn't you chaps have enough Mustang Mk1s already?
Have fun Merlinizing the P39! "Exercises in futility are fun to watch."
-- Gyro Gearloose
As far as I know the high altitude version of the P-39 was called (with delicious irony) the P-38, I am not an expert on the subject of numbers but I believe that 38 comes before 39.

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