Improve That Design: How Aircraft Could Have Been Made Better

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It looks similar to the MiG-3.

I was going to say to improve the P-39 you could move the engine forward, then you would also have to move the pilot forward, but that would unfortunately mean the 37mm cannon will have to be ditched.

Then move the engine forward some more. Now the pilot has run out of room, so better relocate him behind the engine.

Also, the extension shaft is getting short. Better take that out and run the prop from a reduction gear on the engine.

Then we can install the P-51 style radiator....
...after a 15% total airframe upsize.
but how would it have performed with the higher hp radial
I would bet that the extra horsepower would have been consumed by the extra drag and loss of the Meredith effect. Also the range would suffer bigtime from the radial's higher specific fuel consumption, and high altitude performance would probably suffer as well. Witness how much more fuel the P47 required to fly the same distance as a P51.
My understanding was that the Meredeth effect merely negated the drag created by the scoop. No scoop, no Meredith effect, no difference.
ok plan b have the usaf adopt a verison of the corsair and the p51 never happens
The Corsair couldn't have done the Mustang's job of high altitude ultra long range escort. The P47 eventually got there, at the cost of lugging an inordinate amount of fuel around, but it was turbocharged, and could do it. The Corsair wasn't and couldn't. The Corsair fought a different war with different requirements.

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