Here it is.
I thought this was Schopfel's aircraft, as the photo is from a series of photos from his personal album, showing the Staffel aircraft in the dispersal pens around the edge of Caffiers airfield, and the layout of the pen in this shot, with the vegetation and overhead camouflage net, looks very similar to that shown in the other pics of his aircraft.
However, on closer examination, it appears to be an E-1, unless, of course, the cannon had been removed for servicing when the pic was taken. It's difficult to tell if the magazine bulges are present, beneath the wing, due to the lighting, but the position of the prop, the vegetation at the edges of the pen, and the general layout do look like his aircraft, but it's not conclusive, and the information with the photos does not state which aircraft it is.
However, I either have, or have seen, another version of this photo (if I can find it!), where the caption states that this is the Staffelkapitans aircraft, but again, this can not be taken as certain.