Italian Campaign

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Senior Airman
May 12, 2005
Do you guys personally think the Italian Campaign recieves as much attention as the European Campaign (I mean the Normandy Invasion and forward.) :?:
First off, refer to it as the North-Western European Campaign or ETO, since the Italian Campaign is part of Europe. To answer the question, no it doesn't.

The many hard fought battles that raged through Italy are largely forgotten in anyone's history on World War II. Yet there was much toil and terror that raged over the rivers and mountains of Italy.
Green? The British troops in Italy were some of the most experienced veterans in the Allied army ! It was the British 8th Army!
sorry, then i guess only the US troops were green, if i didnt know the British troops werent green then yeah, the orth-Western European Campaign or ETO doent recieve as much attention
I have read that Italy was not seen as much of a Priority once Italy had surenderd. One the 15th Airforce was inplace, some very primitive bases, the fighting was very slow going. But some of the most decorated units slugged it out over thoughs mountains. ;)

the Armies 422, the Nisa were outstanding.
oh yes it does, right up the boot .......... the Med campaign might be a better term for it.

think Cassino and the subsquent battles to take place and some of the air assaults over Allied shipping in the Med. sea

Some of the bloodiest battles occured off Sicily and right up Italys butt. I think of the Fallschirm regiments 1-4 and their continual operations from the island up toward the northern sphere into Tirol
Erich, It was important, but after the landings in Normandy, it seems to have taken a little less in the planings. that is said with no disrespect to the man an woman who left blood and budies in Italy. ;)

Lomm, nice Do-26 ;)
I think this little tune sung to lili marlene says it best about how the allied troops felt in Italy this is the Canadian version


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The Med. theater did have some important and bloody battles. Like the ones mentioned above, Taranto, and ill throw in the north africa campaign. After the invasion of france, the Italian campaign took a huge blow. The media didnt talk about the Med. theater half as much after normandy. Think about this though, the Med. theater tied up many german divisons that could have been deployed on the eastern front or the western front. If the allies never invaded italy, the war would have been longer. Maybe only six months, maybe a year, but no doubt longer. If your seriously interested in the med, theater let me reccommend this book "The path to victory" by douglas porch
carpenoctem1689 said:
The Med. theater did have some important and bloody battles. Like the ones mentioned above, Taranto, and ill throw in the north africa campaign. After the invasion of france, the Italian campaign took a huge blow. The media didnt talk about the Med. theater half as much after normandy. Think about this though, the Med. theater tied up many german divisons that could have been deployed on the eastern front or the western front. If the allies never invaded italy, the war would have been longer. Maybe only six months, maybe a year, but no doubt longer. If your seriously interested in the med, theater let me reccommend this book "The path to victory" by douglas porch

Nice way to put it.

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