Little-Known Heroes of the Italian Campaign of WWII

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Nov 9, 2005
The U.S. Army's all Mexican-American Infantry Unit.

There are several unique WWII units that have been well documented. The stories of all the African-American Tuskegee Airmen and the all Japanese-American unit of the 442nd Infantry can be found in books and films. Now the men who served in the U.S. Army's all Mexican American infantry unit is finally receiving recognition for their service.
An original National Guard unit was composed entirely of Mexican-Americans from barrios in Texas. The men who served in the 36th Division, 141st Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Company E were involved in some of most crucial battles of WWII during the Italian Campaign...

more: The U.S. Army's all Mexican-American Infantry Unit - Little-Known Heroes of the Italian Campaign of WWII

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