I've lost the tirpitz!!!

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I think that the Tirpitz is under all that smoke off to the right.and may not be in the picture at all, because I am sure that is not a recon photo, it looks like it may have been taken from an Escort Fighter.

If the prevailing wind is East to West, the smoke produceing machines would be situated east of the target, so that the wind blows the smoke westwards, and therefore cover the target, also the bombers are flying roughly in the same direction as the smoke is being blown, which is also an indicator of where the target could be.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cant quite see it on your pic either lanc, heres some from Flypast nov 2004 edition.



After taking a direct hit from a 12,000lb "Tallboy" bomb (lower left)


I have seen that photograph before and if I recall correctly, she was much easier to spot than in this photograph. However, it's been so long since I've seen it, I can't remember where she is. I'll look around and see if I have a copy of the photo in a book or something.
i believe it's actually a still from a piece of video fotage, and no CC, there were no enemy fighters present during the attack.........
Here's a description of the photo, but it doesn't say where she is:

Photo: One of the attacking four-engine Lancaster bombers is at the centre of the photograph during the attack on Tirpitz 15 September 1944. The effort to cover the area in smoke is self-evident.
I see a shadow just below the the horizontal lines of smoke that may be her. If you make a v with the bomber being the start of one line, and the three horizontal lines of smoke being the other, you will see a large smoke "cloud" and to the left of it is a shadow which I think may be her. I don't have the ability to mark a photo like you guys do, but I'll give it a try and show you what I'm talking about.
How can I edit a photo to show where I believe she is? I can make out the shoreline above and below the bomber to some extent and I can see what appears to be the bow of the Tirpitz to the left of what appears to be a large cloud of smoke below and to the right of the bomber. Sorry I can't be more precise at this point but what I see really does look like the bow of the ship.
ok below where you normally put a post there should be an icon saying "post reply", click it and go down, click brouse and add the file.........
Nothing I've tried works. I've put the photo in message body, file name, and file comment (both under add an attachment). No photo ever shows up. It's in photobucket so what do I do to get it to show here?
what type of file is it saved as?? if you want you can email it to me and i'll post if for you, i'll email you my email address yeah??
ok sorry this has taken so long but this is the picture that reddragon sent to me, of where he thinks the tirpitz is and this's the best bet i've seen so far............


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