I've lost the tirpitz!!!

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That could be it. Or what about here? (pink circle..)


  • tirpitz_158.jpg
    55.4 KB · Views: 280
Is it? I couldnt be bothered to go back and look :lol: It looks like it could be one of those 2 though. If we knew the altitude from which the picture was taken it might be easier.
The yellow area in the photo posted by Cheddar Cheese is what looks like a shadow that may be the ship, although part of it is still visible to the left of the circle.

I have no way to convert the bmp I have to a jpg. I tried to send it to The Lancaster Kicks Ass but don't know if I was successful or not. I don't even know if it was large enough to be of any use.

Oh, I see. You did post it. I thank you for your help and apologize for any trouble. I believe the area in pink to be land. I can see the shoreline running below that area just below and to the left of the circle. I can also see signs of shoreline around the area I circled so I can't be sure if that is the Tirpitz in her berth or if it is land.
well CC for a bit of reference that lancaster has a 100ft wingspan (it's actually 102ft but it's less complicated this way) and i would estimate it to be no lower than 9,000ft...............

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