IWM Duxford Airshow 2013

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Thanks very much Grant. A MkXIV was listed as displaying, but it wasn't seen. I didn't get the chance to get around all the hangars, but from what I could see, a lot of the usual stuff was missing - P-47, Corsairs, Griffon Spits etc.
I can only surmise they were either positioned elsewhere, as there were a couple of air shows, plus 'non airfield' flying events that weekend, including, IRRC, RAF Leuchars. The overall line-up was rather 'thin' compared to previous DX shows I've been to, but the 'Reds' and the P d F had quite longs slots.
Hurricane and 'Buchon'.

More Duxford residents, with the Hurricane MkXIIa and the Hispano 'Buchon', who put on a bit of a 'dog fight' over the field.
The Hurricane, registered as G-HURI, is a Canadian-built MkXIIa, roughly equivalent to the MkIIa, and was restored to flying condition a few years ago. Up for auction by Bonham's last December, the aircraft remains at Duxford, and is operated on behalf of the owner, by 'The Fighter Collection'.
The 'Buchon', basically a Bf109G with a Merlin engine, was built under licence by Hispano in Spain, getting it's nickname from the bulbous intake cowling required by the Merlin, which resembles a deep-breasted pigeon native to Spain.
Like all 'Buchons' flying to day, this one owes its survival to Hamish Mahadie, who was tasked with finding and collecting WW2 aircraft for the movie 'The Battle of Britain', much of which was filmed at Duxford during 1968, and in fact the reason Duxford, and the 'War Bird' movement, are alive and well today.
The aircraft were modified, for the movie, to resemble as close as possible the Bf109E, and the wing tips were 'clipped', struts added to the tail planes, and the aircraft painted in authentic BoB camouflage, although the Geschwader badges used are fictitious, and the camouflage pattern deliberately different, the latter to aid visibility when filming!
The dummy wing cannons, which some people criticised for being too long, were deliberately made longer to be more noticeable on the 'big screen', in order that the viewing public could more easily identify friend from foe in the dramatic dog fight scenes, and also to acknowledge the different armament used by the opposing air forces at the time.
This particular aircraft, G-HUNN, has been seen on the air show circuit in a couple of different colour schemes over the years, but, after careful research, she was re-painted in the colours worn in the movie, for the 70th anniversary of the BoB, in 2010, although the original 'Bf109G' wing tips have been re-fitted, and she no longer has the tail plane bracing struts.
Much of the display was in the form of a 'dog fight', and therefore almost impossible to photograph effectively, but I've included one such shot, third from the end, just for the hell of it!
Next batch will show some more of the ground attractions, followed by the 'Spitfire Scramble.


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Excellent Terry. Great information, too.

It ain't right, always smiling like that.

I do like the Buchon; it's a cheeky smile, like its saying; "I'm just as good with a Merlin; go jump in your Schpitfeuer and I'll show you..."

It looks great in that colour scheme; it's authentic to the aircraft, too. Too many of them wear naff Luftwaffe schemes; I'd like to see a Buchon in the beautiful blue that the Spanairds decorated them in.
Thanks Geo and Hugh, and I know what you mean Geo.
But if you cover one eye, and only view from the firewall aft, it's not so bad !
Here's a mix of ground shots to be going on with, whilst I finalise the next compilation, the 'Spitfire Scramble' (Duxford's title choice, not mine!)


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Sure is, as last time I saw it, two years ago, it was still in the hangar, with the wings off, although nearing completion. I wanted to have a look around her, but there were too many other things to do first.
I have a soft spot for the 'Lizzie', as they were known at Newcastle airport in the 1960's . They were operated by BKS, still in their former BEA colours, sans logo, and with the 'Elizabethan Class' banner still on the nose, hence the nickname. 'Dan Dare' had a few too, and the last time I was in the one shown, was probably circa 1965 !
When first introduced, they were a very modern aircraft, compared to the DC3's and Vikings operating on similar routes at the time, and to me, they were a 'real' aeroplane. I can still smell that wonderful mix of leather, insulation, electrics and oil one notices when boarding such an aircraft.
Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be !
Terry, what's the green fuselage behind the fire truck? Is that the Hermes getting a repaint? No, can't be just had a closer look; it has tail feathers and wings. BAC.1-11?
A WHAT ?!!!
Where? When? How?
Ah - relax ! it's a Marlet ............
Anyway, on with the show, and Part One of the 'Spitfire Scramble', as the Duxford commentator described it.
This didn't go quite according to plan, as the two 'vics' of three Spits had to hold at the threshold, waiting for a banner tower to fly in with a banner thanking the Patrouille de France!
I'm guessing there was some muttered cursing as the pilots watched their temperature gauges!
I'm afraid I didn't do too well with the airborne stuff, again mainly due to our location, with a bit of dull lighting thrown in, as the Merlins growled into a threatening sky.


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