Japanese Aircrew

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Aug 21, 2006
These are some items that would typcially found on Japanese aircrew members. Please feel free to add to this as this is a work in progress.

1. Japanese coins
2. Japanese Dog tag
3. Japanese Flag
4. Japanese Occupation money Malaya
5. Japanese Pilot Badge
6. Japanese Philippine Occupation money


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  • Japanese dog tag.jpg
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One of the ways that the CAF SoCal Wing raises money to keep their Zero flying is to have the crew chief, who is Japanese-American, dress up in the uniform of the Japanese pilots of the time and pose for picture, for a donation, of course! But his uniform is authentic in look and style.


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Yep, it's an A6M3 Model 20. There is also an A6M5 at Chino with the original Sakae engine. The CAF A6M3 is a P&W. There are 1 or two other flyable Zeros around, but don't get flown much, if at all. In total, there are less than 5 that still are flyable, and only 2 that fly on any regular basis. Here are the A6M5 and A6M3 flying together at Chino last year. Quite a site, two REAL zeros!

Couple of more

1. Japanese flying suit
2. Japanese aircraft mechanic badge
3. Japanese Army aviation float vest


  • Japanese aircraft Mechanic badge.jpg
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  • Japanese flight suit.jpg
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  • Japanese army float vest.jpg
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Couple of manuals, one is a Japanese Air and land handbook in english. The other is infantry weapons manual.



  • Japanese ground and airforce.pdf
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  • Japanese infantry weapons.pdf
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I believe the IJN or IJA parachute gear must be stringed like the image attached. I'm pleased to see the cool and brave samurai-look Japanese pilot beside CAF Zero though.


  • IJN Terms.pdf
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  • ijn-dicnav-s18.pdf
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  • nav_term_M42.pdf
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Hi, Jan7.

Micdrow's dog tag can be read like this -
"Special Infantry 57th Company No.4-163"

Japanese Army dog tags had a lot of secret codes to hide exact identifications from enemies in the wartime but this tag seems having no such code. I guess maybe this company was organized by young students, volunteers and old men under an emergency.


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