Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen!!!)))
I encountered a number of questions in the construction of models of Japanese bombers B6N2 Jill in 48 scale.
Start in order:
1. Quantity of fuel tanks in the aircraft.
I'll try to explain the history of question.
In book "Mechanic of World Aircraft №14" materials present contradicting each other.
it is obvious that the three fuel tanks, but appear additional description photo surviving plane.
I have two versions
a) remaking the original construction by american technics
b) Tenzan had modification with two fuel tanks, it was possible modification with the search radar.
2. Quantity of exhaust
According to documents, Tenzan had a 14 cylinder engine with individual exhaust pipe for each cylinder. But if you try to count the number of exhaust pipes at the pictures, you will find only 13 pipes. Probably two of some pipe put together, but what? This is a serious question if in model engine design without cover.
3. The shape and configuration of the navigator-bombardier control panel.
again two versions
a) remaking the original construction by american technics
b) Tenzan had modification with different dising of this control panel.
4. Using navigator viewfinder in real aircraft
Hasegawa gives in model two optical device - bombsight and navigator viewfinder. But studying the drawings and photographs were not found for the blister navigator viewfinder. If we believe the model, finder located in the area of suspension points torpedoes and bomb armament. Large-bomb or torpedo close review for this device, so its location seems doubtful. In addition, the bombers of this type use only one optical device - a bomb sight. Navigational viewfinder used most often at the spy plane. Therefore the presence of navigator viewfinder, highly doubtful at Tenzane.
5. Design,drawings of trailed radio antenne
6. Design, drawings, photo of wheel bay
I hope for your help.
This some "big" question about Tenzan in this moment.Tomorrow I will try to continue. About Tenzan and another bombers.
P.S. Please forgive me for the bad english. This post took about 1.5 hours for writing and translation. And maybe some of the terms or expressions are not true.
I encountered a number of questions in the construction of models of Japanese bombers B6N2 Jill in 48 scale.
Start in order:
1. Quantity of fuel tanks in the aircraft.
I'll try to explain the history of question.
In book "Mechanic of World Aircraft №14" materials present contradicting each other.
it is obvious that the three fuel tanks, but appear additional description photo surviving plane.
I have two versions
a) remaking the original construction by american technics
b) Tenzan had modification with two fuel tanks, it was possible modification with the search radar.
2. Quantity of exhaust
According to documents, Tenzan had a 14 cylinder engine with individual exhaust pipe for each cylinder. But if you try to count the number of exhaust pipes at the pictures, you will find only 13 pipes. Probably two of some pipe put together, but what? This is a serious question if in model engine design without cover.
3. The shape and configuration of the navigator-bombardier control panel.
again two versions
a) remaking the original construction by american technics
b) Tenzan had modification with different dising of this control panel.
4. Using navigator viewfinder in real aircraft
Hasegawa gives in model two optical device - bombsight and navigator viewfinder. But studying the drawings and photographs were not found for the blister navigator viewfinder. If we believe the model, finder located in the area of suspension points torpedoes and bomb armament. Large-bomb or torpedo close review for this device, so its location seems doubtful. In addition, the bombers of this type use only one optical device - a bomb sight. Navigational viewfinder used most often at the spy plane. Therefore the presence of navigator viewfinder, highly doubtful at Tenzane.
5. Design,drawings of trailed radio antenne
6. Design, drawings, photo of wheel bay
I hope for your help.
This some "big" question about Tenzan in this moment.Tomorrow I will try to continue. About Tenzan and another bombers.
P.S. Please forgive me for the bad english. This post took about 1.5 hours for writing and translation. And maybe some of the terms or expressions are not true.