JAS 39 Gripen is growing up....

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What for? It's a great aircraft but the F-35 is proving to be twice the aircraft despite the cost.

I and others that are on the 35 'fence' might believe you in another 7 years about that, or not, depending on if it ever finishes being tested, evaluated and then accepted for service in its non standard take-off landing versions.

Then again, De'Kerchner or whom ever could do something somewhere and a few 35's in a R&D Combat Squadron could be the only suitable aircraft for the job, so long as turns out after the fact, that such a unlikely event wasn't concocted to be a marketing strategy 'skirmish'.
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I and others that are on the 35 'fence' might believe you in another 7 years about that, or not, depending on if it ever finishes being tested, evaluated and then accepted for service in its non standard take-off landing versions.
Oh, that's going to happen, come hell or high water. The amount of testing is one of the factors driving the cost of the F-35 through the ceiling.
That's always possible after the bashing the F-35 has taken in the press. You might remember this was done with the F-117 during combat operations in Panama and even though no one ever saw the F-117at that time, it still took a press bashing becasue it didn't hit its target, or so reported.

F-117A: Operation Just Cause (Panama)
Saab reveals enhanced radar for Gripen C/D fighter

As well as enhancing the detection distance, the Mk4 radar will be able to detect and track smaller targets at the same ranges. While at high altitude the in-service Mk3 radar can detect a target with a radar cross-section (RCS) of approximately 0.4 m 2 (the size of a medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aircraft) at a distance of 'X', at the same range the Mk4 system will be able to see a target with an RCS of 0.1 m 2 (the approximate size of an air-to-air missile or 'stealth' aircraft').


It is - now if it could "see" the target it needs to be able to lock on, acquire a firing solution and fire its missles prior to the target donig it first, that's the challenge here and we're not even bringing ECMs into the picture as well.
Hey Joe,

In your post several pages back you quote some numbers for the F-22 and F-35 operational parameters. From simple curiosity, what is your source? Not arguing, just want to be able to post those numbers too and know where they come from.

No agenda here ...

I went back through my old posts and I believe I gave references to the posts around #34/ 35. Let me know which one you're talking about.
Gripens new screen....well, the E/F..

AEL Sistemas Deliver WAD And HUD For Gripen NG

21 Sep 2015in

AEL Sistemas (AEL) has now delivered the first wide area display (WAD) and the head-up display (HUD), which will be integrated in the Gripen NG for Brazil, reports Defesanet.

Saab had announced in February this year that it had selected AEL Sistemas (AEL) as a new supplier for the Gripen NG in Brazil.

The WAD for Brazil's Gripen NG aircraft is a single intelligent and full-redundant multi-purpose display system, full-colour, large-screen (19 x 8 in) with continuous image presentation and the state-of-the-art touch-screen controls capability. It is the primary source of all flight and mission information in the cockpit. The HUD, on the other hand, provides essential flight and mission information to the pilot when looking 'heads up' out of the cockpit. With HUD, the pilot does not need to look down into the cockpit to read instruments which makes it easier to focus on the mission.

"This is a very important step in the development of Gripen NG for Brazil. It shows a very efficient cooperation between AEL and Saab and is a successful step in the industrial cooperation between Brazilian industry and Saab in the Gripen NG program", says Mikael Franzén, Program Director for Gripen Brazil.

To demonstrate and validate the new equipment, an extensive flight test campaign will be conducted in Linköping, Sweden.

Edit: The above screen is for the Brazilian Gripen variant, the screen below is the 'normal' E/F version...

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Just visited the SAAB JAS 39 Gripen website and saw this....

On May 18 we are unveiling the first of the next generation Gripen aircraft. It's a key milestone in the evolution of The Smart Fighter.

I take it that they're about to reveal the first of the E/F Gripens....another prototype or a production aircraft, will be interesting nonetheless!

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