the mauser kid
- 3
- Apr 1, 2008
I became interested in this unique feature, which I have only seen on JG 1 AC so far. Now I need second opinions or help determining a certain aircraft with what I believe to be this feature. My main source for this aircraft comes out of JG1 Defenders of the Reich volume three. On pg.279 the fw 190 A8 yellow 8 flown by Gerhard Stiemer of 3./JG 1 appears in a crash landed position. W.Nr. can not be determined. The profile shows the aircraft to have only a spiral spinner, however the actual photo suggest otherwise. There appears on the vertical blade to be an inner most stripe, then where the blade was bent due to belly landing there appears another, however it is difficult to make out as the prop is bent. I believe as it is a third group AC that the prop spiral should be yellow and the spinner spiral to be white, it appears so. I believe all others groups of JG 1 had solid white spinner to blade, except third group. Help from anyone with access to this photo or book will be greatly appreciated in understanding this unique feature. I plan to make a flying model of this particular AC in the future.