Joystick Controls

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Senior Airman
Aug 2, 2005
Campospinoso (PV), Italy
I have just installed IL-2 + ACE, but I am struggling with the joystick

1 - the thing is reported as correctly installed but...

2 - the knob of the throttle control is not working properly, is either 0 or 100%. This is not critical because I can adjust with the keyboard.

3 - the sensitivity of ailerons and rudder is exxagerate and makes the game unflyable: at the minimum touch the stick goes to the end, causing always to overcontrol, then overcorrect etc.

Is there a way to 'slow down' the joystick? I just can't fly having to use micrometric movements...

thank you in advance for any hint
I'd first suggest that you calibrate your joystick, just to make sure that everything on the stick functions properly in the first place.
You can adjust the sensitivity of your controls in the game by going into the Hardware section at the opening screen. As soon as the game loads, go to Hardware and then the section called Input. There you can adjust sensitivities for pitch, roll, yaw, etc. That should make some difference.
Grazie Volto !!!

It works

Now I can control the flight, but I have to set max aileron and rudder at no more than 55 %, otherwise every time I breathe the plane flips over.

Another strange thing is that when a mission starts I am always near to stall and engine is at 0%, annoying because I must lose 300-400 meters in order to regain speed and control.
Also, when the plane stalls it is impossible to recover: no matter what you do you go down like a brick. Anybody has experienced this or found a way to recover from stall?
Parmigiano said:
....Another strange thing is that when a mission starts I am always near to stall and engine is at 0%, annoying because I must lose 300-400 meters in order to regain speed and control.
Also, when the plane stalls it is impossible to recover: no matter what you do you go down like a brick. Anybody has experienced this or found a way to recover from stall?...

I've never experienced this 'cause I start my missions from airfield or a/c carrier....try to join the italian Pacific Fighters forum.... You'll find a lot of people ready to help you!!! :greenjumpers:
8) alla prossima 8)
P.S.which kind of joy are you using?


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