Joystick issues

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Jul 16, 2007
i'm haveing a major problem with IL2 1946, in the game all aircraft except for jets and will turn slightly one way like to the left in a Yak or to the right in a Spitfire, the opossite direction of the torque and gyro, which doesn't make a difference on or off. replacing the joystick didn't fix it, and the same thing happened in IL2 FB but it could be fixed by reconnecting the joystick, but now it doesn't work. using the rudder trim will fix it but only at certain speeds and it will drift in the direction of the way it was trimmed and messes me up in manuevers like the Immelman and the Split S.

any one know how to fix it? I have version 4.08
yep tried both, but i'm still trying to figure out thew zones on Il-2 so i'll give it another try.
Well, it's the only thing I could think of apart from port malfunction. Maybe you's USB-port is broken, so you can try and plug into another port (Most computers have plenty of those nowadays )
It's the computer itself I have found out I'll just ave to wait until I can afford a new computer.
It has a corupted input sytem, which also explains why my mouse goes crazy as soon as I turn my CPU on. Some computer doctor guy is going to fix it seeing how it could be a serious problem over the longterm.

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