Ju-88 Unit Identity

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Dec 2, 2008
I'm trying to track down the unit of the Ju-88 on the attached photo. Any suggestions or help out there? Thanks.



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I've checked my listings for Luftwaffe codes (which might not be complete) and can't find a Geschwader code 'VG'. That's not to say that there wasn't a KG or St/g with that code of course, and I'm sure someone here will have the info.
It is possible that the aircraft belonged to a training, or operational training unit, of course.
Yes Chris I have checked the list twice.Initially I thouight the Ju88 could have been one of the plane prototypes.But the strip on the fuselage and underside wing tips painting suggest an operational unit.Also I couldn't find the unit coded VG, also the staffel ID is a bit unclear.Here is a magnified part of the shot.


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Most of Ju-88s I have ever seen in pics had the band painted before the tail and behind the black cross.So you are correct.It means that the plane could have been used in a propaganda movie for instance.She looks really oddly.
The orginal picture is quite blur so it can be the reason.But there is a possibility the Ju was captured and was tested with over painted signs.Also I saw a pic of Ju-88 which was tested in the USA with a yellow band in the same place like the one in the pic above.The difference were the US markings.

Another possility is that this is a Stammkennzeichen or factory code. Ive looked here but the list is not complete though will explain more about Stammkenzeichen codes in detail.

The LEMB Stammkennzeichen Database
Yep..it is possible.This can indicate the one I found there " VG+DO Junkers Ju88" But why the "D" letter looks like it was of lighter ( another colour???) paint than the band, other code letters and the white elements of the cross.
Yep..it is possible.This can indicate the one I found there " VG+DO Junkers Ju88" But why the "D" letter looks like it was of lighter ( another colour???) paint than the band, other code letters and the white elements of the cross.

To be honest Wojtek, I think this photo has been modified the more I look at it. Take a look at the shadow cast by what could be the sun. It only shows the out line of the wings. Also as pointed out the swastika missing on tail. And then what looks like med campainge colors to me are not quite right.

Something fishy though I could be wrong as I am no expert on Luftwaffe markings.
It might have been.My first impression was that the pic was taken somewhere in Russia.This could indicate the underside wingtip of the Ju88.
As far as the shadow is concerned, you can be right as well.I'll try to find something like the pic but later.Tonight I have to go bed.Tomorrow early in the morning I'm going to work.
IIRC the lighter colored "D" would represent the staffel? Thats what is throwing me. It appears everything is in place except the theatre band and the code.
Here's a thought.....

The theatre band and wingtips appear to be a darker color than the "D". I'm thinking yellow and the "D" is white. Yellow theatre band would be the Med and there were Ju 88D recon versions serving with satelite countries of Romania and Hungary ('Warplanes of the Luftwaffe' David Donald pg 173)

So maybe this is a recon version serving with an adhoc foreign national unit of the Luftwaffe?
I was thinking about it as well Chris.But as memory serves the yellow band ( colour) was much more characteristic for the Russian front than the Med ( if the Med means the mediterranean area).For the area white one was used rather.

Concerning foreign users you can be right.But they mostly repainted national markings before operational using .
Yep..I have mentioned it in #11 above but these factory codes were usually painted black ( very dark grey) but not in that way like in the pic.Of course I can be wrong.

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