Konban-wa, and greetings to all.
I would like to say this is my first post, but it's actually my second. My first post was devoted to the reason I decided to join, mainly to inquire about a specific machine.
As can be gauged by my user name, I'm a fan of Japanese aircraft from WW2; imho, some of the best looking designs conceived (I am a gaijin, btw). I'm looking forward to seeing if the forums here will help fill gaps in various matters I still have questions on, especially with late war projects.
A secondary obsession is my fondness for rare, obscure, and sometimes paper project designs (maybe that makes me a hipster of sorts, as much as I hate that word). I love to see the designs that were innovative, but never had the chance to prove their worth, or to see the progression of a design that led to the final product. Toward that end, I don't limit myself exclusively to Japanese aircraft as I have seen the myriad of designs that have been created around the globe and from different eras (my real passion in that regards is Cold War designs, but I don't restrict myself to sole that point in time, hence why I'm here).
I'm looking forward to seeing what this site has to offer and how I can be a part of it.
Domo Arigaou Gozaimasu
I would like to say this is my first post, but it's actually my second. My first post was devoted to the reason I decided to join, mainly to inquire about a specific machine.
As can be gauged by my user name, I'm a fan of Japanese aircraft from WW2; imho, some of the best looking designs conceived (I am a gaijin, btw). I'm looking forward to seeing if the forums here will help fill gaps in various matters I still have questions on, especially with late war projects.
A secondary obsession is my fondness for rare, obscure, and sometimes paper project designs (maybe that makes me a hipster of sorts, as much as I hate that word). I love to see the designs that were innovative, but never had the chance to prove their worth, or to see the progression of a design that led to the final product. Toward that end, I don't limit myself exclusively to Japanese aircraft as I have seen the myriad of designs that have been created around the globe and from different eras (my real passion in that regards is Cold War designs, but I don't restrict myself to sole that point in time, hence why I'm here).
I'm looking forward to seeing what this site has to offer and how I can be a part of it.
Domo Arigaou Gozaimasu