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Nice to see you back.

Regarding creating of a poll ... a single post of a thread can't contain the addition. A poll can be created if you start a new thread only or added later to an existed one by changing of its type. The default one is set as the "discussion" when the new thread is started.
Thanks, Wurger. I linked a strawpoll poll instead, though of course y'all can also just tell me which option you'd advise/prefer instead, or if you think either's fine.
Thanks for the advice!

I had not heard of a wet pallete before, but have been using a much worse version of one it seems. My current approach is to place a few drops of paint onto a paper towel, take a wet brush and grab the paint with it, then paint it onto the model. I've already started work on my next kit but I can try to make a wet pallete after this one's finished.
Oh also y'all I'm probably gonna ditch this thread after the B-17 is finished. Just makes it very hard to find photos of my specific models, I'll switch to the regular approach I see in the forum of one build thread per model. The 17 is currently on the backburner because it will fully drain my stocks of silver paint, so I'm going ahead with my GB 54 entry first because it needs little silver highlights
What pics of the specific models do you mean?
I just mean that the thread is a mix of several kits and the only way to find the finished photos of specific ones is to jump around through the pages. Or well, will become that if I continue using it for all future builds
So while working on the B-25 I realized that I now had the needed decals to fix the serial number on my B-26. My B-26 was supposed to be 41-17904, but due to limited decal availability and time I just pasted 41-17959 onto it. So I needed a 0 and a 4 in yellow, which I could salvage from the spare B-25 serial numbers in the Doolittle Raiders decal sheet.

I however went through a lot of attempts and the decals kept folding up, so I decided to try freehanding the numbers with a cocktail stick. Results aren't as great as I wanted but hey at least the number is correct now.

It then occurred to me a few hours later that I had forgotten to use the decal solution, which probably would have helped the decals stick to the model without folding. Don't model while tired, y'all.
Worked on the B-17 again while I wait for weights for the B-25. Painted and installed the replacement left landing gear, a metal unit from Squadron. Used Humbrol Aluminium with Vallejo Silver for the oleo to match the other landing gear. Closed up the left wing with help from some clothes pegs. Also, no photos but I've coated the Heinkel and Hurricane in Vallejo Satin Varnish to protect their finish. I coated parts of the B-26 in varnish a semester ago but the ever problematic Mission Models OD 41 paint did not enjoy that. It's been a long time so I don't remember which parts of it are and aren't varnished. The P-40 is even worse, a single drop of varnish on it and you can instantly see that Airfix blue grey plastic underneath. Both of them still manage to leave Olive Drab on my hands somehow. Will be traveling soon, but might do a bit more modeling before leaving. Plan on picking up more gear while away, such as a hand drill, putty, maybe some washes and a cutting mat.

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