Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenweke AG. Dessau

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Jan 21, 2014
I'm new on this forum, and I need the help of all the memembers.
I live in Italy. A friend of mine, that is now 92 years old and that was in the UK army during the II World War, told me that in Lero (Greece) he shooted down a German airplane. He still knows all the details and the registration number of that plane:

Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenweke AG. Dessau
Serie: 1A4 N5357
Zeichn. 88 294
F.M. 4 43

Is there any possibility to find the exact model of the plane, and to have any informations (peraphs from the German Army archives) about the pilot?

Thank you to all in advance. Please help me!

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Welcome to the site.

Would it be possible your friend could remember a code letter painted with the German LW cross on a fuselage sides ?
Dear Wurger,
the friend of mine went near the plain with his colleagues, and he unscrewed by the wing the metal label, that is very similar to the one of the JU88 of the Norwegian Defence Museum that you can see in this picture: http://www.ju88.net/wings-engines/werkewings2sept04.jpg

The details of the metallic label of the plain shot down by the 92 years old friend of mine are the following:

Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenweke AG. Dessau
Serie: 1A4 N5357
Zeichn. 88 294
F.M. 4 43

So, I suppose the model is a Ju88, built in 1943.
Is there any possibility to find any informations about the pilot, and the exact circumstances of that event?

Thank you in advance for your help.

The Junkers factory made also other types of planes. Ju-88 was one of them. Also Ju-87 Stuka or Ju-52. However the number 88 294 may indicate Ju-88 made in April of 1943 ( F.M. 4 43 ).


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