Junkers Ju-211 manual

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Aug 21, 2006
Junkers Ju-211 engine manual in german,

Any one up to translating it :oops:

Enjoy Micdrow


  • Handbook Junkers 211.pdf
    26.6 MB · Views: 2,613
  • junkers 211.pdf
    33 MB · Views: 2,241
  • Junkers Jumo 211 engine.pdf
    1.7 MB · Views: 1,669
  • Captured Junkers 211.pdf
    1.4 MB · Views: 1,624
I'll do it for You. :) Just need to buy something for my girlfriend for her patience. :twisted:
Yes and then You'll need to revise for grammar errors. I'm not a native English speaker. Technical errors I won't make for sure...

I'll do it for You. :) Just need to buy something for my girlfriend for her patience. :twisted:
Yes and then You'll need to revise for grammar errors. I'm not a native English speaker. Technical errors I won't make for sure...


No problem Andrzei, cant wait to see it

Added part of a different junkers jumo 211 manual and made it into a handy pdf file.

Source listed below.
At my job i have to deal and work with different manuals for machines and parts of them.
It is astounding.
"Nothing" has changed for more than 60 years...:shock:
I meet this guy in 1990. he was working on the JUMO 211.


  • Paul Arlandt Dessau 1940.jpg
    Paul Arlandt Dessau 1940.jpg
    119.9 KB · Views: 1,362
  • Rückseite.jpg
    65.7 KB · Views: 1,314
The second manual is for the fuel injection pump, the third is not comming through.
I am interested in translations of the manuals if someone is doing them. I will trade a copy of the DB 601 a/e books I did for the two Bf 109 E's that are flying. leave your info on this site and I will check back in a week. Also have stuff on the BMW 801 I translated.

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