Junkers Ju88

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Pretty hunky ammo, 30mm High Explosive rounds...


  • spitfire_hit_with_a_30mm_he_cannon-round_in_firing-test.jpg
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notice that this is a posed pic meaning the spit was on a ahrdstand postioned to bew hit. This is from one round of 3cm Minen Geschoss

you can easily see why that only 3-4 rounds were needed to take out any Allied bomber with the 3cm Mk 108 weapon
but it depends on where you hit, there are some places that will need one round (pilots head) and some places where it will hit and make no differance......................
Yeah, I thought it was quite impressive. Some pics I've seen of Allied bombers hit like this, were really hard-pushed to have got back to base....
check the pics I have put up on some other thread.........sorry cannot say which one. All rear attacks with 2cm and 3cm weapons........terrible !
although the Ju 88's were not fitted with 3cm's, these certainly were in the upper nose many times.......Bf 110G-2's agasint the bombers.


  • me110-g2_2.jpg
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in the above photo case there are the standard four 2cm weapons fitted. The upper nose guns have been sealed off but at times as I suggested they were used. for the Bf 110G-4 with radar the upper nose guns of 30mm were standard.


  • me110-11s.jpg
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I'm quite new to this 'scanning', so I seem to have posted it larger than I intended...it is a black white though...- As Erich pointed-out however, it was hit just missing the fuel tanks which is why it got back and created quite abit of interest amongst the other Squadron guys...
I wonder if there are any pictures on the damage caused by a MG151/20 AP/I round?

I bet that would be devastating.

The problems with the Bk 37mm and Mk103 is that Tungsten was in very short supply.

For the Bk 37mm though, it could use the APCR already built for the obsoleto 'doorknocker' 37mm Pak35/36 gun, so no loss there.

Using a bigger gun was necessary using APCBC or HEAT.

The 75mm doesn't sound so bad now? but perhaps the Me262's BK 50mm firing Pak38 50mm-type ammo would have been better? (old APCR stock would likely be available here too)
I was meaning that the BK 50mm could maybe use old Pak38 rounds?

The 3.7cm cannons on the Ju87G actually used Tungsten rounds, I think that's all they used.
curious an old thread but where the heck are some of these forum members of 2004 that started out a thread like this: jj and bronzewhaler who is suppose to be a mod ? where are these guys at anyway ?
jj was ok but the was on for like a 24 hour stint and made like 500 posts in a day once Dunno what happend to bronze though, would like to see him make a comeback, he was a good guy.

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