Junkers88a1 can't log in.

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I see. If Guttorm doesn't have any problem with accessing othe sites it isn't a virus or spyware etc... However your suggestion is OK. His last activity here was on 02-27-2011. I don't remeber if it had been before the malware attack here or later. But if it had been before, his net browser might "remember" The Microsoft warning and blocking the site. I suggest removing of all cookies and the site name from a list of blocked boards in the net browser.Then restart his computer again.
He says that the site is telling him his user name is invalid. I checked in the members list to see how it was listed and sent him a copy just to make sure he was putting it in correctly. I know I've screwed up before forgetting capitals. I haven't heard back from him today. I got this message yesterday.

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