just cause of eating his

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 20, 2005
A filipino child is punished by canadian school fficials cause of eating in the filipino way of eating with a spoon and fork
and they even said it was 'disgusting; and all and calling him a pig
and even a 40 man rally back home in the Philippines
A Roxboro woman has filed a formal complaint with a local school board after her son was disciplined by a lunch program monitor at Ecole Lalande for eating in what she says is a customary Filipino manner.

Ecole Lalande - That sounds like Quebéc... They're fascists, so I'm not surprised... Ask Maestro what he thinks about it...
Well he must obey school rules, if the school rules say no eating with a spoon-fork combo then no eating with a spoon fork combo.

Nothing annoys me more than when I was back at school and I was always told to take my baseball cap off because headware was not allowed, yet misses muslim can where her head scarf thing because its part of her religeon. Religeon or not you should do as the rules say. The was a C of E school aswell!
Pisis said:
Ecole Lalande - That sounds like Quebéc... They're fascists, so I'm not surprised... Ask Maestro what he thinks about it...
they are only facist in the sense that they are trying to pretend they are European
Pisis said:
Ecole Lalande - That sounds like Quebéc... They're fascists, so I'm not surprised... Ask Maestro what he thinks about it...

Exactly. I heard that on the News a while back... If I remember well, it's somewhere near Montréal.

I don't care if someone eats with a knife, a spoon or a shovel. However, allowing a Sik (or however they write it) child to bear a knife in school, even if it is a religious symbol like the Kirpan, is totally crazy.

I'm from Vicking descent. Was I allowed to bear an axe in class ? No.

Hey Tiger, next time they ask you to take off your baseball cap, tell them that baseball is your religion. I'm sure they'll let you in.
Maestro said:
In fact the title always was "Overlord : Key to the Freedom". Why ? Is it a big grammar mistake ?
Well, not necessarily. There's actually nothing wrong with it grammatically, I guess it's just worded in a way that I'm unaccustomed to seeing. It's just me I guess. It's fine really.
Thank you, my friends.

My personnal goal is to sell at least 2,000 copies. (Yeah, I want to stay realistic.) If I succeed, I may consider to translate and complete the second book of the serie I started to write in 2004 before stopping in early 2005 because of all the trouble I had to find a publisher.

P.S. Don't worry, NS and Gnomey, you won't be forced to help me to correct it. I don't want to abuse of you. I was already very lucky that you both accepted to correct the first "Episode".
Yoyo, I'm also lookin for a copy of your book.

As for the original topic, it surely depends on how the school is tolerrant to diversities. Isn't he also obliged to write only with his right hand, not with his left one? The same with the chop sticks... Way of eating isn't that big deal... Unless you're an intolerant conservative...

And for the baseball cap thing, back those days on a Jewish High School, I was allowed to wear it - at some places I even had to do so - because it is a religious symbol LOL.
Well I could do it again if needs be as I am not really do that much over the summer...

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