Kurt Knispel....

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Knowing nothing about how armoured claims worked I wonder if the award of various gongs was related to the score of the tank commanders as it was for Luftwaffe pilots. Take a close look at the claims of some pilots (you won't get names from me) and you will find suspicious looking clusters of claims as they approach certain landmark scores. This doesn't in itself prove anything, but it should cause pause for thought. It seems to be an additional symptom to a 'sore throat' for some.
I think the mindset was different for Luftwaffe or tank corps individuals. Fighter pilots achieve kills often in a one on one situation ie. I get him first or he gets me. For tankers it was more a team effort. Engaging an enemy tank took the driver to maneuver the tank into a firing position, the loader to load the gun the gunner to aim and fire, the tank commander to decide what tank to engage and fire and what position/direction to move to or from. Of course the radioman/bow gunner would also help with getting and relaying orders as they came in over the wire from platoon, company etc commanders.

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