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Airman 1st Class
Nov 23, 2013
Україна - Ukraine

Dear Colleagues!

We are glad to invite all of you, whose hobby is producing or collecting the card, wooden, plastic or other scale models, to take part in Kyiv Scale Models Fest which will be held on May, 30-31 at the following address:
Str. Khreschatyk, 2 (European square), The Ukrainian House, central hall.
During these days, traditionally, the Kiev City's Day will be celebrating so there are many events planned for two days. Along with that, Kyiv Scale Models Fest's organization committee scheduled the following contests and exhibitions:

- VI Card models Kyiv Open Cup
- III Ship models Kyiv Open Cup
- Contest of plastic scale models
- Contest of plastic car models in 1:24 scale - Ukrainian Scale Cars
- Exhibition 'Armed Forces of Ukraine'
- Personal exhibition of 'Orel' publisher models
- Personal exhibition of 'Paper House' publisher models
- Personal exhibition of 'Modeller' publisher models
- Exhibition of railway equipment and working models - TTrain-UA
- Show program of radio-controlled car models
- Demonstration flights of unmanned vehicles
- Workshops and contests for children
- Exhibition of real motorsport cars
- Exhibition of real vintage cars

As usual there will be lots of workshops presenting any directions of scale modeling, and many value prizes for contests winners!
Anyone who interested in participation can register for the event via the official Kyiv Scale Models Fest website Kyiv Scale Models Fest - Kyiv Scale Models Fest. Please, pay the attention to the necessary official documentation which can be downloaded only from this website.
Registration procedures start from March, 8 and finish May, 24 at 24:00 by Kyiv time.
For participants who need an accommodation organizing committee propose to stay at NENC hotel (Kyiv, Vyshgorodska St., 19) or anywhere by their choice. We remind that accommodation for the juniors arriving from another cities is free of charge. To get this, one should sent an e-mail via address until May 17, 2015 with the following information: junior full name, date of birth, region and the city (home address isn't needed).
For any questions, suggestions and comments please contact us via exact page on official website or e-mail above.
It just blows my mind that there is a model show in Kiev (if I understand this post correctly) while there is fighting in the east of Ukraine. Does anyone else find that...uh...?
I guess. Just seems weird to someone on the other side of the plant. Anyway, I wish you luck with what I'm sure will be an awesome model show. Please post plenty of pictures!
Dear friends and colleagues!
We would like to invite you to visit the IV International scale model show «Lviv Scale Models Fest – 2015» to be held 19–20 September 2015 in Lviv, indoors Danylo Halytskyi International Airport «Lviv» (168, Lyubinska st.). As part of our project there'll be a contest of modelling among children, youth and experienced modelers. You will find interesting workshops, reviews of aviation / military equipment and fragrant of fresh coffee
Смайлик «smile»
Good weather, great mood and a plenty of conversation with other modellers – guaranteed! We are waiting for you!

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