Lanc through the Rockies

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1st Lieutenant
Apr 14, 2005
niagara falls
Nice find Neil! Must have been on the way back from Abbottsford this summer. I recognized Lake Louise, Banff, Cascade Mtn, and Mt Rundle, all within 2 hour drive from my place and my skiing mecca in the winter.

I agree with you about the music except for one thing. I not only didn't like it at first, I didn't like it all the way through.

Thanks for posting.
I've seen the clips before guys and i bet none of you have had a personnel tour through VR*A via' web'cam and talked to crew ??...............I have

Bet you can't look in your log book and and see that your instructor is the pilot of V RA
Thanks. These are very nice. Recommended reading; Enemy Coast Ahead, uncensored edition, Crecy p.166-170 for detailed procedures.

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