Lancaster Carburettor

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the lancaster kicks ass said:
that's no way to talk to your superior officer..............

does me being assurtive turn you on at all??

Lancs... older woman here!!
otherwise that could have been a moment hunny....
stop reading those magazines it will send you blind (ok chance one eye)

Now stop telling me what you think is incorrect and get your finger out and put it right...... THEN.... you might ...JUST.... get back in my good books Sir!
Well Lancs? I'm waiting!!!
Corrections...... how are we to learn from your skill and wisdom, if you don't correct my work?

The Lancaster Mk1 was my subject......
So mark my work and 'teach me and the rest of the class a lesson sir'

hey Lancs, you may already know this mag, but some lovely person has just brought it to my attention Flypast it is a really good read..... but anyway... in the May issue (out this weekend) they look at the operation of Canada's (otherwise known as 'Skim' land) airworthy Lancaster and pay homage to a great bomber!!! thought I would let you know..... how lovely am I ( that is an actual question....How lovely am I? ).
you're so lovely i was stunned by you lovelyness and completely forgot about correcting your work............

and yes i already read flypast every month.................
right then, here we go.........

the correct way or writing it is "Mk.I" using a full stop to show you have abbreviated "Mark" and using roman numerals not arabic..........

Five companies, two of which were Manchester based, manufactured the Lancaster MK1.

5 or 6 companies produced the Mk.I, depending on how you look at it...........

The Manchester 'bless her' wasn't big enough to carry the 18,000lb to 22,000lb bombs

at no point did the RAF use a "18,000lb" bomb, i don't know what that's about.............

It became operational in March 1942, with its powerful 4x 1640hp Rolls Royce Merlin engines

the first lancs in service were fitted with the merlin XX or 22, the merlin 22 rated at 1,280hp, not 1,640hp, many lancasters were fitted with merlin 24s, rated at 1,620hp, only the Mk.III with Packared Merlin 224s give out 1,640hp................

The choice went to the Bristol Hercules V1 radial engine

the Mk.II was fitted with either the VI or XVI..........

two prototypes of the 'Lancaster MK11 were planned

3 prototypes were planned, however it was obvious after the second prototype that the idea would work, so the 3rd was never made........

now to just clear up some stats..........

Max speed 28.7 mph

just to make sure, the lanc Mk.I could do 287mph at 11,500ft............

Max range 2.5000 miles

Range was 2,530 miles with a 7000lb payload...........

Ceiling 22.000

22,000ft was her service ceiling, her absolute ceiling was 24,500ft, with the Mk.III 24,500ft was the service ceiling..........

Length 69'4"

her length was 69ft 6inches

(don't worry nearly finished)

7,374 Lancaster's were produced and flown in WW2

only 6,696 were produced during WWII, the remaining 681 were produced post war, 7,377 were produced overall.............

used by the British, Canadian, French and Argentine armies

she saw service with:

Franch Navy
Franch Government
Argentine Air Force
Egyptian Air Force
Sweedish Air Force (although only one, used as an engine test best)

right i think that's all.................
And now in turn, to correct the lancisms...

Sweedish Air Force (although only one, used as an engine test best)

You spelt Swedish wrong And I believe thats supposed to say bed, not best.

with Packared Merlin

It's spelt Packard

I COULD correct grammatical errors, but that really would be taking the piss I am impressed though, not many spelling errors there though (by your standards) 8)
You are a bad boy on sooooo! many levels Lancs.
I am back and one VERY contented lass.... so in response.......
Lancs you remind me of my sister ( which trust NOT good hon) she is a 'born again Christian' she turned me away from religion many moons ago (turned out well though as I now believe in 'me').
Nowt like an over the top wise arse, to turn you off something you love. I have read your corrections and though there were a couple I could of torn to pieces and the rest are....well quite honestly- who gives a shit!
All I know is that I 'LOVE' planes; always have, always will, I could lie on my back all day watching um fly over . I know very little and I pretend NOT to know more than that. ( though to knock my love of the Lancaster MK1 -no dot needed was below the belt hon).
Bit like music M8 .......I don't need to know the make of every instrument that RUSH, AC/DC, Queen, Thunder, Linkin Park...(and so on) play, to know that I love their work.
You and I were to educate the world about the Lancaster........ the aim was NOT to try and make a prize prat of moi, trust me mate I have my buddy 'alchohol' to help me achieve that aim

I leave you with my theory:
'You don't have to be a Trekkie, to enjoy the show'
( worry not, I am forgiving.............must be a bit of residual religion)
sorry babe i didn't mean offence but in all fairness you did ask me to correct mistakes i found, tell you what, i'll let you "tear apart" my arguments yeah??

i just hope that we can still achieve our goal of educating the world about the lancaster??

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