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When I came acroos this website I thought 'great, somewhere there will be intelligent discussion' But how wrong I was. It does seem that the majority of the members on here have the maturity of a day old chick and the intelligence to match. They revel in slanging off any one because they are un-touchable. And I know there will be plenty of very immature replies to this thread and I don't care because I won't be reading them.
When I came acroos this website I thought 'great, somewhere there will be intelligent discussion' But how wrong I was. It does seem that the majority of the members on here have the maturity of a day old chick and the intelligence to match. They revel in slanging off any one because they are un-touchable. And I know there will be plenty of very immature replies to this thread and I don't care because I won't be reading them.

dum, dum, dum...
Another one bites the dust...
and another ones gone,
and another ones gone,
Hey, we're gonna get you too,
Another one bites the dust......!
I'm sorry guys.....you handling this all wrong. You should be kinder and more gentle to the average posters here because they are the ones that make this board function. They give it life. And for you to just blow him off and continue to make fun of him just proves my point.

The next time someone speaks like this I think the admins should directly email him and assure him it won't happen again.

BRRRAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Geez, I crack myself up sometimes. Smug little fart.

Now I'll wait patiently for Les to come find me and hit me in the face with a hatchet.
I'm sorry guys.....you handling this all wrong. You should be kinder and more gentle to the average posters here because they are the ones that make this board function. They give it life. And for you to just blow him off and continue to make fun of him just proves my point.

The next time someone speaks like this I think the admins should directly email him and assure him it won't happen again.

BRRRAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Geez, I crack myself up sometimes. Smug little fart.

Now I'll wait patiently for Les to come find me and hit me in the face with a hatchet.

Man! you had me going there for a while there Thor! Good one.
He got pissed off because he was made a fool of on another thread by one of our Aussie friends

Um. It was a Kiwi. Still we are all ANZAC's :lol:

Still I couldn't understand why he got so Fury-Arse about it.
What is even more funny is when they post about leaving........

boo bloody hoo............

Much better without ya buddy!
This may be considered immature by some, but oh well!

"somebody call the wambulance" :cry: :cry: :cry:


$100 on the fact that he returns under another account to continue his posting, or remains to read as a guest for several years!!
Won't come under another account. Won't get past Les, he's too good at that! :D

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