Life is Tough but it's Tougher when you're Stupid

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Related to deodorant cans , I can remember some Rovers lighting them, so I think that was at a campfire and it was more like a bomb going off...least 16 or so. Definitely old enough to know better anyway. Stuck one of the usual size spray cans in the fire made a boom more like a decent sized bomb...
In a L O N G Ago time we used to haul garbage out in the back and burn it in 55 gal drums. My treat for this job was Mom's occasional can of hairspray. Most just had a weak valve that blew out first releasing a jet of fire BUT every once in a while that almost full can the blew like a hand grenade at times blowing the bottom or side of the 55 gal drum.
On another note we used to buy Calcium Carbide at the hardware store. Carbide + water = acetylene gas. A can of water and a handful of carbide under a 55 gal drum then a firecracker. Lite the fuse a run like 7734. Think some of those drums reached 110 ft or so. . . Good Times!
Good thing we didn't live near each other. We'd both be in jail. One of the quiet but visual things was to get the plastic suit bag from the cleaners, remember those, seal the big end with momma's iron, blow out the pilot lite on the stove, fill the bag with gas, get a fuse about 8 inches long and outside in the street light it let it go. No noise but a great rolling blue and yellow flame . This worked well in the middle 1950s because of the flying saucer scare. The musician across the street would come home drunk from playing in his night club and his wife wouldn't let his in. He sat on the porch and could be counted on to run to the phone booth (remember those) at the gas station and alert the police about the invasion.
We'd both be in jail.
Probably not, those were the days when adults did not mix with nor enter in to the Kid's World and by the same token we steered clear of the Adult World as in "seen but not heard". Only under the most egregious circumstances did we hear from adults.
We didn't have natural gas only propane so that would't have worked, Though we did make "Fire Kites" out of newspaper and the floating lantern style using small candles

Now, with the commonality of "zero tolerance" in everything, flaming natural gas balloons would probably result in a one-way trip to Guantanamo.

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